Obama evită să numească Moldova o democraţie în mesajul către Voronin

Obama evita sa numeasca Moldova o democratie in mesajul lui catre Voronin, ca raspuns la scrisoarea lui Voronin, care vorbea despre democratie in America, etc., spre deosebire de cum Bush il „lingea” pe Voronin. Putem sa observam si intarzierea cu care s-a raspuns.



6 Februarie 2009

Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, a primit un mesaj de mulţumire semnat de Preşedintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, Barack Obama.
În mesaj se arată:
Mult stimate Domnule Preşedinte,
Vă mulţumesc pentru felicitările Dumneavoastră cu ocazia alegerii mele în calitate de Preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii. Apreciez înalt mesajul Dumneavoastră.
Sînt convins că vom putea colabora în spirit de pace şi prietenie pentru a crea o lume mai sigură în următorii patru ani. Sper să continuăm cooperarea reciprocă în acest efort şi în promovarea bunelor relaţii dintre ţările noastre.


5 Noiembrie 2008

Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, a adresat un mesaj de felicitare lui Barack Obama, cu prilejul alegerii sale în funcţia de Preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Amercii.
În mesaj se menţionează:
Din partea poporului Republicii Moldova şi al meu personal, Vă adresez cele mai călduroase felicitări cu ocazia strălucitei victorii repurtate în cadrul alegerilor pentru înalta funcţie de Preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii.
Am urmărit cu multă atenţie derularea campaniei electorale din Statele Unite. Ţin să menţionez că alegerea cu adevărat istorică, făcută de poporul american, este o alegere în favoarea schimbării, progresului şi prosperităţii, avînd la bază principiile fundamentale ale democraţiei.
Folosesc această ocazie pentru a reafirma dorinţa Republicii Moldova de a consolida şi aprofunda în continuare relaţiile de prietenie şi cooperare cu ţara Dumneavoastră în cele mai diverse domenii, precum şi de a stabili noi punţi de colaborare reciproc avantajoasă.
Urîndu-Vă succese în activitatea pe care o veţi desfăşura în deosebit de responsabila funcţie de Preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii, Vă rog să acceptaţi, Excelenţă, expresia înaltei mele consideraţii.


14 Ianuarie 2009

Preşedintele Republicii Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, a primit un mesaj semnat de către Preşedintele SUA, George W. Bush.
În mesaj George W. Bush a exprimat autorităţilor Republicii Moldova şi poporului moldovenesc profunde mulţumiri din partea Statelor Unite ale Americii pentru realizarea cu succes, în perioada 2003-2008, de către contingentul forţelor militare naţionale a misiunii umanitare post-conflict din Irak. Îmi exprim recunoştinţa personală pentru activitatea desfăşurată de către echipele de genişti din Republica Moldova în Irak, se spune în mesaj.
George W. Bush mai accentuează că decizia autorităţilor Republicii Moldova de a susţine instaurarea şi consolidarea unui guvern democratic în Irak vădeşte spiritul poporului moldovenesc de solidaritate şi ajutorare a altor popoare şi angajamentul lui de a servi cauzei libertăţii globale. Moldovenii pot fi mîndri de participarea lor la misiunea umanitară post-conflict din Irak, se spune în mesaj.
Preşedintele SUA mai subliniază că experienţa de colaborare dintre Republica Moldova şi Statele Unite ale Amerciii în Irak constituie un exemplu de aprofundare în ultimii ani a parteneriatului dintre cele două ţări, în contextul realizării unor priorităţi strategice globale. George W. Bush şi-a exprimat convingerea în continuarea acestor relaţii de colaborare, avînd în vedere interesul comun de cooperare în serviciul securităţii, păcii şi libertăţii globale.

3 răspunsuri la “Obama evită să numească Moldova o democraţie în mesajul către Voronin”

  1. da de unde ? minciuni si propagande,atat !

    Cine va baga in seama mai ales cu un dictator ca presedinte pe teritoriu altei tari si un criminal de bosoroaga insturita -educata in russia ,scarba -voma lumii ?

    vedetiVA de treaba si nu publicati minciuna-propagana lor ca Obama nici la kur nu se va sterge cu asa tarii fantome , dictatori ,comunisti si criminali !

    El a facut de inteles nu odata in campanie ca ; care popoare sau tarii vor sustine dictatorii ,criminalii ,comunistii ,hotii si coruptii vor fi popoare si niste tarii pe lista neagra si sactionate !

  2. Daniel Teodoru: Voronin l-a numit pe Obama privat „maimuta”Tuesday, February 10, 2009 1:16 AM
    From: „Ionas Aurelian Rus” View contact details To: impact_romanesc@yahoogroups.com

    — On Mon, 2/9/09, Ionas Aurelian Rus wrote:

    > From: Ionas Aurelian Rus
    > Subject: Fw: Lieberman’s Israel, like the Gaza of HAMAS, is not America’s Israel
    > To: aurelianrus467@yahoo.com, aurelianrus474@yahoo.com, aurelianrus91@yahoo.com, aurelianrus459@yahoo.com
    > Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 6:46 PM
    > — On Sun, 2/8/09, Daniel E. Teodoru
    > wrote:
    > From: Daniel E. Teodoru
    > Subject: Lieberman’s Israel, like the Gaza of HAMAS, is
    > not America’s Israel
    > To: h-mideast-politics@h-net.msu.edu
    > Date: Sunday, February 8, 2009, 11:50 PM
    > According to the New York Times, Avigor Lieberman stands to
    > win big in the soon to be held Israeli elections:
    > http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/09/world/middleeast/09israel.html?ref=world&pagewanted=print
    > Avigdor Lieberman is one of those refuge-ed
    > „victims” of Soviet Communism that seems to have
    > had done quite alright under it. Indeed, his old
    > „Commie” acquaintances reportedly get him private
    > sessions, to this day, with the likes of Communist
    > President Voronin of Moldova– also a former Soviet Party
    > hack– and together the two are reported to have shared how
    > humorous it is that America elected „a monkey”
    > for president. This story may or may not be apocryphal, but
    > it goes well with a lot of the racist remarks about the kind
    > of Israel Lieberman wants, racist comments for which
    > Lieberman is notorious. The point is that he is not part of
    > some mythical Semitic „lost tribe” from among
    > „God’s Chosen People,” but might well be a
    > decedent of the long ago East European converts that
    > „adapted” through fraud and guile in order to
    > survive– and survive they did. Like many others, I see him
    > as one of many East European who rightly objected to the
    > way they
    > were treated by fellow East Europeans, so they moved to
    > Palestine to mistreat indigenous Arabs EXACTLY as they were
    > mistreated by their fellow East Europeans. Indeed, many such
    > East Europeans aligned with the Likud Party started by
    > Jabotinsky– a party that then admired Hitler, despite his
    > unfortunate dislike of Jews, because „he was very good
    > for the German people.” History has spoke, but
    > Jabotinsky did not live to see its final judgment on Hitler.
    > But I would point out that for every Lieberman, I can site
    > ten Jews who are outraged by everything he stands for. As
    > examples I offer my Jewish mentors, friends of my parents,
    > scholars all, who tutored me through our long refuge
    > West. For them, the likes of Lieberman and Eichmann, were
    > only distinguishable by circumcision and by Communist vs.
    > Nazi distinction. The thesis on racial superiority is
    > not distinguishable even if in any way different. One got
    > to Israel, kidnapped by Mossad, the other as an
    > alleged „victim” of Soviet anti-Semitsm at US
    > taxpayer’s expense.
    > But it must be said that Lieberman’s personal
    > perspective, his ideology, his racism and his crooked deals,
    > all blurring any distinction between him and the people
    > who supposedly persecuted him with their anti-Semitism (he
    > certainly didn’t do too badly under his alleged
    > oppressors) seems besides the point. What really matters
    > is evident and to the point when we recall that, in
    > response to the election of HAMAS to lead Gaza– fair and
    > square– the Israelis cut off and starved the
    > Palestinians, engaging in „targeted
    > assassinations” against them at will. And so, if the
    > Israelis choose Mr. Lieberman for their government, my
    > reaction is: THAT’S JUST FINE. We have no choice but to
    > accept the will of the people as „democratically”
    > expressed at the ballot box. But then, remembering what we
    > did with Gaza after the Palestinian election of HAMAS,
    > perhaps the perfect answer is: you chose him, now it’s
    > the end….We are broke and can’t afford $14
    > billions a year for Israel with our people out of jobs.
    > So, the best to you Israel– YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!
    > No more war toys used in „war crimes” fashion in
    > a replay of the Warsaw Ghetto against
    > innocent Palestinians in Gaza on the receiving end. No
    > more dollars to engorge a $placenta for illegal settlements,
    > expanding Israel by a lebensraum thesis like Hitler’s
    > done through ethnically cleansing the Palestinians. No more
    > supporting the worthless shekel with dollars loans, a debt
    > that Congress later quietly „forgives.” Yes, yes,
    > yes, as PM Sharon once said: „Israel is not
    > Czechoslovakia” and as a sovereign state can do as it
    > pleases. But the United States of America also a sovereign
    > state and is also a broke nation that can’t afford to
    > lavishly support a nation that behaves in the worst ways of
    > any East European nation in history. Israel can do, and MUST
    > be allowed to do, as it wants. But if it elects Lieberman,
    > the United States of America’s President Obama has a
    > duty not to associate America with Lieberman’s brand of
    > racism and criminality. It is not
    > worth supporting his kind of Israel– and if he is
    > elected, it means that Israelis want his kind of Israel. So,
    > as in the case of HAMAS, we must simply turn our backs to
    > it.
    > My concern is not for Israel but for the Diaspora Jews that
    > chose NOT to make the „Great Aliyah,” moving to
    > the „Jewish state.” American Jews are as American
    > as apple pie and are in grave danger in an economically and
    > militarily declining America where many people looking for
    > scapegoats for their personal dire predicaments. Already
    > the rumor that Madoff hides his money in Israel for favored
    > investors to pick it up has been spread all through the
    > Internet. News reports of his crimes had been appearing on
    > TV news right after (not even with a commercial break) news
    > of the massacre of Gazans by the Israeli forces. Whatever
    > the rights or wrongs of both stories, it should be recalled
    > that Madoff’s victims were mostly OUR fellow
    > American Jews. Unfortunately, desperate people, as in post
    > WW I Germany, are more likely to be looking for scapegoats
    > and conveniently forget distinguishing facts as they look
    > for someone else to blame for their „shop until
    > you drop” excesses called for by Bush as the
    > „patriotic” response to 9/11. To my reckoning we
    > are at 10 to Midnight on the Krystalnacht clock in a
    > crashing America. Our government’s primary duty is to
    > our Americans– protecting our Jews included– and more so
    > that, in light of the propensity to anti-Semitsm if people
    > discover the „lobby” pressures on Congress to
    > give Israel $14 billions a year– while the US is broke– so
    > it can perpetrate its lebensraum thesis a la
    > Lieberman. President Obama must cut our ties with
    > a Lieberman Israel, just as we cut off our ties with
    > a HAMAS led Gaza. Our Jews are us and we should never
    > suspect them of dual loyalty. It must be recalled that
    > though the neocons slandered Obama with their „Negro
    > problem,” about the same proportion of American Jews
    > voted for Obama as Black Americans. I suspect that with
    > Lieberman as a leader in the government of Israel after the
    > election, few American Jews will want to be his
    > kind of Zionists. So, we can let Israel decide what’s
    > best for Israel– we never did differently; yet, Americans
    > in turn, must decide what’s best for America…and I
    > don’t think Americans will want anything to do with a
    > Lieberman Israel, just as they decided that they don’t
    > want anything to do with a HAMAS Palestine.
    > Daniel E. Teodoru

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