What Bush Has in Store for Us

The Bush administration covers up for the human rights abuses of regimes that can not be classified as liberal democracies that have sent troops to Iraq and that are repressing demonstrators that are demanding the return of the troops of their countries from the useless, unnecessary and expensive Iraq War. One example of such a country is Moldova, where the ruling Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova is behind the arrests of the peaceful demonstrators from the Hyde Park Association, which even had a permit for their demonstration on August 29-31, on the flimsiest and most unjustified pretext. “Although the demonstrations of „Hyde Park” NGO in front of the Government’s House were authorized by the City Hall of Chisinau for August 29-31, the police motivated the arrests with the fact that on the date of August 30 no demonstrations were allowed.” See “9 NGO Members Were Arrested During a Peaceful Demonstration”, at http://www.azi.md/print/40798/En . We have included a translation from Romanian into English of the latest press release of the Hyde Park organization. In it, the members are expressing their fears that their demonstration for the end of the draft, for the retreat of Moldovan troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and for the retreat of Russian troops from the Transnistrian secessionist area of the Republic of Moldova will be repressed.
Under these conditions, is there any wonder that the Bush administration’s push for democratization has bypassed Moldova? What the Bush administration has instead done was to facilitate the re-Stalinization, re-Communization and re-Sovietization of the contents of the history textbooks in use in Moldova starting on September 1, 2006. For more information on the course, see “Moldovan Historians and Writers Call on International Community to Objectively Treat Issue of Integrated History Course”, at http://www.azi.md/print/40175/En . ‘According to a joint declaration issued by the two structures, by this experiment the current government is trying to reintroduce the Soviet historiography theses in the history course aiming to “intoxicate” the young generation with Stalinist ideas on history, language and culture.’ These moves to “return to the past” are opposed by the Association of Historians of Moldova, The Writers’ Union and by the overwhelming majority of the opposition parliamentary deputies. Also see “Foreign Experts Say Moldova Should Keep Present History Course”, at http://www.azi.md/print/24694/En .
We do not recognize in the Republican Party of today the pro-democracy, anti-Communist spirit of the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, but the Communist spirit of those neo-cons who used to be Trotskyists. They have created the atmosphere that allowed the use in the United States of the phone tapping practices, character assassinations of whistle-blowers and shameless lying characteristic of regimes such as those of the ruling Moldovan Communists and of the ex-KGB-ist Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Ionas Aurelian Rus
Daniel Teodoru
Republicans for a Democrat Congress in 2006

Press Release

Appeal to the Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations Whose Purpose is the Defense of Human Rights, Lawyers and the Mass Media!

On Sunday, 09/03/2006 (on the Day of the National Army), between the hours 10:00 [AM] and 12:00 [PM], the Hyde Park Association is inviting you to an act of protest in front of the Ministry of Defense in order to demand the end of the compulsory character of military service, in the Republic of Moldova, just like it was don a long time ago in all the European State, in order to bring the Moldovan troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and for the retreat of the Russian occupation troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova [from Transnistria – translator’s note]. The action was authorized by Chisinau City Hall.

On this occasion, whether intentionally or not, the authorities are again giving proof of irresponsibility or bad faith through the formulation of the [permit] for the action, in which it is written that we would protest in order to ‘promote compulsory military service” even though, in soliciting this authorization, we wrote clearly that we would protest “in order to demand the elimination of the compulsory military service”.

Since on the occasion of the last action of authorized protest, because of a mistaken interpretation of the text of the authorization by the representatives of the forces of order, nine members and sympathizers of the organization Hyde Park were abusively arrested and illegally locked up for more than 40 hours, without any judicial justification, we assume that on this occasion, [the authorities] are looking for a pretext in order to prevent the good unfolding of the protest. Under these conditions, we are appealing to the representatives of the non-governmental organization which have as an object the defense of human rights, to lawyers and the mass media to continue to monitor these actions, in order to avoid the repeating of the abuses of the forces of public order.

The location where the action will take place, the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense on Hincesti Street, no. 84, in the Telecentru region, Chisinau, close to the “Alley of the rulers”, built and agreed by the Communists, whose gates are open only during the weekend.

The Hyde Park Association, Chisinau

Ghenadie Brega

Telephone: (+373) 69350894 Chisinau
(+40) 745435321 Bucuresti
Website: www.curaj.net

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13 răspunsuri la “What Bush Has in Store for Us”

  1. ce sa zic ca alta limba nu aveti pentru informa lumea.dac ati luat din alta parte textul atunci traducetil domnule Brega Ghe.

  2. Domnule Vitalie traduceti si dumneavoastra sau vreti sa stati acasa si sa va puna pe tava tot…………..

  3. Daca poate cineva e rugat sa faca asta. Rugamintea se refera la orice text de pe acest sit si la orice limba pe care o cunoasteti. Ajutatine, va rugam, sa facem ideile sa circule.

  4. Textul trebuie tradus, dar nu este vreo urgenta din partea mea, desi daca nimeni nu se va oferi, o voi face-o eu. Deocamdata voi include materiale aditionale. Brock Bierman, un oficial de la USAID, a fost decorat de Voronin pentru diverse lucruri, inclusiv ca si-a pus umarul in facilitarea introducerii istoriei integrate. Mai multe informatii se pot vedea mai jos, desi nu despre aceasta topica. Totusi Brock Bierman, oficialul USAID decorat de Voronin, a avut grija sa se dea ceva bani si pentru educatie, si mai precis pentru „istoria integrata”.

    Toate cele bune,



    Ex-lawmaker praised by Moldovan president

    Brock D. Bierman, who works for the U.S. Agency for International Development, receives the Medal of Civic Merit.

    01:00 AM EDT on Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    Journal Staff Writer

    Former state representative and Cranston resident Brock D. Bierman has been honored by the president of the Republic of Moldova for his help in improving the lives of citizens of the small eastern European country.

    Bierman, 42, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s chief of staff and senior adviser to the assistant administrator for Europe and Eurasia, received the Medal of Civic Merit in a recent ceremony held in the Moldovan capital, Chisinau.

    „The energy and dedication showed by Mr. Bierman to both the United States of America and the Republic of Moldova are admirable,” said President Vladimir Voronin, according to a statement from USAID. „I commend your efforts.”

    As USAID’s chief of staff, Bierman has been involved in overseeing elections in Moldova and sponsoring exchange programs for young political leaders. He argued successfully in 2003 to include the republic in President Bush’s special initiative on trafficking in persons, which seeks to stop the enslavement of people — typically young women and girls — in prostitution and forced labor.

    In an interview last week, Bierman said Moldova’s poverty has left some young residents in particular peril of trafficking.

    „Unemployment is very high in Moldova and the income level is very low, which exacerbates economic hardship,” he said. „There are very evil people who take advantage of these people.”

    The medal is „an honor.”

    Bierman was a Republican state representative from Cranston from 1994 to 1998 and from 2000 to 2002. He was appointed to USAID in 2002.

    Bierman’s great-grandfather left his native Moldova in 1906 to escape religious persecution and settled in New York. He ran a used-clothing store.

    Moldova a century ago was known as Basarabia — a land about the size of Maryland sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine. It became a part of the Soviet Union, and when the Soviet empire collapsed, Moldovans declared their independence. Moldova was accepted into the United Nations in 1992.

    Moldova has a population of about 4.3 million. Some two-thirds are Moldovan, but the country is also home to Russians, Bulgarians, Turks and gypsies. Moldova is predominantly Orthodox Catholic.

    Bierman first visited the country in 1997 while on an exchange program with Russia sponsored by the General Assembly. He stopped by Moldova on his way home — and has returned six times, most recently to receive the medal.

    „They have treated me like royalty,” Bierman said.

    Bierman lives with his wife and two young children in a Virginia suburb of Washington.

    gwmiller@projo.com / (401) 277-7380

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  5. Eu nu stiu nimic despre aceasta istorie integrata, dar presupun c-o fi ca si „istoria Moldovei” scrisa de unul Sornicov cu vreo 8-10 ani in urma.. Imi pare bine acum ca macar atat am putut sa fac, sa o las sa putrezeasca in depozitul inspectoratului scolar Straseni/ au fost platite de ME din buget si aduse prin fostele raioane pt a fi repartizate in scoli/ Eu nu am mai repartizat-o…. Asa sa faceti si cu aceasta istorie integrata,pt ca trebuie sa fie o istorie falsa …

  6. Administratia Bush si Istoria Integrata

    Bierman este organizatorul „Republican Rapid Responders”. Vedeti o portiune din articolul de maai jos.

    Toate cele bune,



    Chafee tends to be low-key, but as the party’s endorsed candidate, he will get help from a number of experienced campaigners. The Republican National Committee and the Republican Rapid Responders, a separate group being organized by former state Rep. Brock Bierman, are both sending volunteers to Rhode Island to get voters to the polls.

  7. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Moldova: Freedom of expression under attack


    Monday, September 11, 2006
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    Amnesty International Slams Moldova Human Rights Record

    PRAGUE, September 11, 2006 (RFE/RL) — The human rights organization Amnesty International on September 11 accused the police in Moldova of violating human rights conventions by arresting nine members of a Moldovan NGO at an officially sanctioned demonstration.

    All nine were held without food or drink for 40 hours.
    Amnesty says that if they are sentenced it will call for their immediate release and declare them prisoners of conscience.
    Their trial is due to begin at the end of September.

    top homepage features




    AI Index: EUR 59/007/2006 (Public)
    News Service No: 234
    11 September 2006

    Moldova: Freedom of expression under attack
    Nine people in Moldova are at risk of being tried and sentenced for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly with one activist appearing in court this week. If they are sentenced to prison Amnesty International will consider them prisoners of conscience and will call for their immediate and unconditional release.

    The nine members of the Moldovan non-governmental organization (NGO), Hyde Park, were arrested on 30 August at a demonstration in the capital, Chisinǎu, for which they had been granted permission. They were demanding the erection of a statue to the famous Romanian writer Liviu Rebreanu. However, a large number of police descended upon them and in 30 seconds all nine participants in the demonstration were forced into several police cars. Audio recordings made on a mobile phone during the arrest by one of the members of Hyde Park show no evidence that the demonstrators resisted the police or insulted them.

    The demonstrators were detained for 40 hours in the badly ventilated cells at Buiucani district police station. During this time they were given nothing to eat or drink, were not provided with bedding and only had limited access to a toilet. A lawyer was present and asked to speak to them, but police officers turned down the request on the grounds that he had not yet drawn up a contract with the accused. In addition, police officers studied and deleted all photographic and video contents from the detainees’ mobile phones without getting a court order.

    „These nine people are going to be tried for the legitimate exercise of their rights to freedom of association and assembly,” said Heather McGill, Amnesty International’s researcher on Moldova.

    „Their treatment by the police violates international human rights conventions that Moldova is party to.”

    In a letter to the General Prosecutor, Amnesty International has asked for the charges against the demonstrators relating to participation in or organization of an unsanctioned meeting to be dropped since Hyde Park had permission for the demonstration. The organization has also asked the General Prosecutor to examine the charges of resisting, and insulting police officers, and to investigate thoroughly the actions of the police officers in this case.

    33-year old Oleg Brega is going to appear in court on 13 September 2006. He may be charged in connection with organizing an unsanctioned meeting in spite of a decision by the appeal court on 28 August granting them permission. Angela Lungu, Anatolie Juraveli, Roman Cotelia, Mariana Galescu, Sergiu Trocin, Anatol Hristea-stan, Radu Vasilascu and Vitalie Dragan, between 18 and 50 years of age, were charged under Article 174 of the Administrative Code for participating in an unsanctioned meeting, resisting the police and insulting police officers. They will be tried at the end of September and could face maximum prison sentences of 30 days or a fine.

    Other recent events have also shown a lack of respect by the Moldovan authorities for freedom of expression. On 31 August, a signature collecting action organized jointly by Amnesty International Moldova with other NGOs as part of the Stop Violence against Women campaign was disrupted by police officers who tried to prevent the lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender organization GenderDoc-M from displaying their banner. The police claimed that GenderDoc-M carries out propaganda for homosexual lifestyles, and that the organization had not been named as an official participant in the action. The police eventually withdrew, but threatened to inform the Mayor of Chisinǎu that Amnesty International Moldova cooperates with GenderDoc-M, so that it can take this into consideration when giving permission for future actions.

    The Mayor of Chisinǎu refused permission to hold a Gay Pride rally in Chisinau on April 28 this year on the grounds that religious groups had announced that they would organize protest actions if the rally went ahead.

    Public Document
    For more information please call Amnesty International’s press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566
    Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW. web: http://www.amnesty.org

    For latest human rights news view http://news.amnesty.org

  8. http://www.timpul.md/Article.asp?idIssue=384&idRubric=4158&idArticle=10046

    Potrivit noilor manuale de istorie,

    Raiul in R. Moldova a fost adus de catre comunisti

    Noile manuale de istorie, recent impartite prin scolile din republica, se aseamana leit cu niste abecedare comuniste si amintesc despre „Istoria RSS Moldovenesti”, predata in scolile sovietice. Din paginile lor, elevii vor putea afla cum Nadejda Cepraga a mers la mitingul de 1 Mai, inconjurata de baloane si drapele rosii, cum arata casa-muzeu „Serghei Lazo”, cat de brav a fost Grigori Kotovski sau cum conducea Lenin mitingurile revolutionare. in placardele comuniste, care impanzesc manualul de clasa a IX-a, de exemplu, se pot citi numeroase „perle” bolsevice: „Vpered! Pobeda blizka!”, „Da zdravstvuiet sovetsko-rumanskaia drujba!” sau „Idi, tovarisci k nam v kolhoz!”. Elevii vor invata ca Moldova a fost eliberata de catre rusi, ca moldovenii reprezinta un popor si ca, dupa proclamarea independentei, R. Moldova a fost o tara saraca, insa din anul 2001 se observa „o crestere economica substantiala”.

    Manualele sunt scrise intr-un stil sovietic „muncitoresc”, cu greseli gramaticale si stilistice si au un concept de o banalitate socanta. De pilda, langa o fotografie cu Traian Basescu in fata presedintiei de la Chisinau, e scrisa o sarcina pentru elevi: „Comentati pozitia Romaniei: „Nu vom fi avocatul Republicii Moldova in procesul de aderare la Uniunea Europeana!”. O fotografie cu Mihail Frunze este alaturata urmatorului text: „Realizati un mini-eseu la tema: „Rolul lui M. Frunze in revolutia rusa si soarta poporului moldovenesc”. Iar deasupra pozei lui Hermann Goring este scrisa intrebarea: „Cum credeti, care este mesajul acestui lider fascist?”. Chipurile care apar constant in paginile manualelor sunt cele ale lui Lenin, Voronin si Stalin.

    Fiindca noul curs de istorie nu este nimic mai mult decat o lectie de comunism si de moldovenism primitiv, am incercat sa aflam care este atitudinea principalelor partide politice din R. Moldova fata de aceste manuale.

    Serafim Urecheanu, presedinte al Aliantei „Moldova Noastra”

    Vom lua o atitudine similara cu cea pe care am luat-o in privinta dictionarului „moldovenesc-romanesc” al lui Vasile Stati. in primavara curenta, am convocat in parlament o sedinta a fractiunii AMN cu istoricii din R. Moldova. Suntem de acord cu pozitia acestora fata de „istoria integrata”, care e un rezultat al traditiilor comuniste de a induce in eroare opinia publica. Poporul trebuie sa aiba numai o istorie – cea reala, dar nu cea scrisa de „specialistii” comunisti care si-au pus scopul de a continua procesul de indobitocire a acestui popor. Vom protesta si vom cere scoaterea acestui manual din scoli, fiindca el reprezinta o istorie a Partidului Comunistilor din trecut. Nu intamplator, comunistii depun astazi eforturi colosale pentru restabilirea organizatiilor de pionieri, comsomolisti s.a.m.d. Dar aceasta este agonia lor, care-i va duce la pieire. Copiii nostri au tot dreptul sa stie istoria lor adevarata.

    Dumitru Diacov, presedinte al Partidului Democrat

    Consider ca istoria trebuie sa uneasca tara, dar nu s-o dezbine. Din pacate, autorii acestor manuale si cei care au stimulat aparitia lor nu fac altceva decat sa creeze stari de tensiune. Pentru ca o parte din populatia Republicii Moldova accepta unele valori, iar alta sustine alte valori. insasi istoria zbuciumata a Moldovei este de asa natura ca, in situatia in care facem interpretari din astea, putem sa incitam la maximum spiritele. La un manual de istorie trebuia sa lucreze istorici profesionisti, care sa-l redacteze in asa fel, incat sa impace spiritele, dar nu sa creeze conflicte.

    Mihai Ghimpu, presedintele Partidului Liberal

    Noile manuale expun nu istoria noastra, ci politica lui Vladimir Voronin. De exemplu, in ele se specifica ca am fost ocupati in 1918 si eliberati in 1940. in situatia creata, cred ca nu este vorba despre o atitudine a partidului, deoarece este vorba despre un pericol mare pentru noi toti, care urmareste sa distruga constiinta nationala si sa creasca niste mankurti. Dimpotriva, trebuie sa se uneasca intreaga societate, pentru a-si apara identitatea nationala. Daca fiecare partid va lua atitudine in felul sau, ne vom arata din nou slabiciunea si tocmai aceasta ii atata pe comunisti la asemenea acte. Votul din 4 aprilie 2005 nu numai ca a dezamagit lumea, dar i-a facut pe oameni sa inteleaga ca nu are sens sa lupte pentru o idee sau pentru o valoare.

    Dumitru Braghis, presedinte al Partidului Democratiei Sociale

    Nu stiu care va fi atitudinea partidului, insa pot sa va spun ceea ce cred eu despre aceste manuale. in problema istoriei, R. Moldova nu trebuie sa demonstreze divergente fata de ceea ce se intampla in toata Europa, unde sunt niste criterii unice la acest capitol. Daca vorbim despre apropierea noastra de comunitatea europeana, in mod normal ar trebui sa respectam aceste criterii. Cu parere de rau, manualele de istorie propuse astazi pentru studierea in scoala nu corespund nici pe departe notiunilor de istorie integrata si istorie depolitizata. Se creeaza impresia ca, prin intermediul acestor manuale, guvernantii incearca sa-si promoveze imaginea si sa puna in umbra problemele care apar si deranjeaza populatia tot mai mult, precum ar fi cresterea preturilor la energia electrica, problemele cu exportul marfurilor moldovenesti, cresterea saraciei in tara si altele.

    Eduard Musuc, vicepresedinte al Partidului Social-Democrat

    Pozitia PSDM va fi dura, univoca si intransigenta. Sub pretextul istoriei integrate, se urmareste, de fapt, impunerea fortata a unui fond sovietic de interpretare a evenimentelor. in varianta propusa, istoria integrata este un instrument totalitar de propaganda al comunistilor, de ideologizare si imbecilizare a tinerei generatii. Este o provocare si un moment crucial pentru societatea noastra, in care trebuie sa luam o atitudine clara, de care va depinde viitorul tarii.

    Valentina Golban, vicepresedinte al

    Partidului Social-Liberal

    Noi am dezaprobat de la bun inceput implementarea cursului de „istorie integrata” si atitudinea PSL ramane aceeasi. Avem lideri in teritorii care s-au opus din start initiativei comuniste de a schimba cursul de istorie. Se pare ca partidul de guvernamant urmareste in continuare sa distruga generatia in crestere, pe care noi contam pentru viitor, fiindca ei ne sunt ziua de maine. Atata timp cat sunt unii care hotarasc soarta oricarui proiect de lege si urasc cu desavarsire tot ce-i romanesc, ma ingrijorez gandindu-ma la ceea ce ne asteapta. Cred ca o sa se porneasca din nou grevele si mitingurile de protest. Numai aceasta ne ramane sa facem.

    Pavel Paduraru,


    Vizite: 680002

    Arhiva: 2003 2004 2005 2006 Alegeti luna ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie Alegeti anul si luna pentru a accesa arhiva.

  9. http://www.moldpres.md/default.asp?Lang=ro&ID=49161

    Noul ambasador al Moldovei in SUA Nicolae Chirtoaca a avut o intrevedere cu Presedintele George Bush

    13 Sep. 2006 / [7638]

    Chisinau, 13 sept. /MOLDPRES/. Cu ocazia inminarii scrisorilor de acreditare, Ambasadorul Extraordinar si Plenipotentiar al Republicii Moldova in SUA, Nicolae Chirtoaca, a avut o intrevedere cu Presedintele Statelor Unite, George W. Bush, transmite MOLDPRES in baza unui comunicat al ministerului de externe.

    La inceputul discutiei ambasadorul i-a transmis sefului statului american un mesaj de salut din partea Presedintelui Republicii Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. Ambasadorul a dat o inalta apreciere ajutorului politic, financiar-economic si tehnic acordat Moldovei de catre Statele Unite in eforturile de aprofundare a reformelor democratice, integrare europeana si in procesul de reintregire teritoriala a statului moldav.

    La rindul sau, Presedintele George Bush a calificat relatiile dintre SUA si Republica Moldova drept excelente. De asemenea, Presedintele SUA a apreciat pozitiv pasii facuti in ultimii trei ani de catre Republica Moldova pe calea aprofundarii reformelor politice si economice, consolidarii democratiei.

    Presedintele SUA a mai mentionat ca una dintre cheile succesului pentru stabilitatea democratica si durabila a tarii noastre consta in solutionarea pasnica a conflictului transnistrean. in context, a fost evocata determinarea SUA de a continua sa participe in procesul de negocieri pentru a contribui la solutionarea durabila a problemei transnistrene, reiesind din principiile respectarii suveranitatii si integritatii teritoriale a Republicii Moldova.

    La finele intilnirii, ambasadorul Nicolae Chirtoaca s-a manifestat onorat de misiunea ce-i revine de a reprezenta Republica Moldova in SUA si a asigurat interlocutorul ca va depune toate eforturile pentru a avansa si a consolida relatiile dintre cele doua tari.


    Moldova’s ambassador to USA meets George Bush

    Sep. 13, 2006 / [7638]

    Chisinau, 13 September /MOLDPRES/ – Moldova’s Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the USA Nicolae Chirtoaca has had a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush, occasioned by the handing over of his accreditation letters, the Foreign and European Integration Ministry’s press service has said.

    Chirtoaca greeted the American president on behalf of Moldovan head of state Vladimir Voronin. The ambassador highly appreciated the USA’s political, financial, economic and technical assistance provided to Moldova in its efforts to deepen the democratic reforms, European integration, and in the process of the country’s territorial reintegration.

    George Bush described the Moldovan-American relations as excellent. The U.S. top leader positively appreciated the steps Moldova has taken over the last three years to deepen the political and economic reforms and strengthen democracy.

    Bush said that the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict is one of Moldova’s key to success in democratic and long-lasting stability. He reiterated the USA’s readiness to further on participate in the negotiating process in order to contribute to identifying a durable solution to the Transnistrian issue, based on the principles of Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    At the end of the meeting, Chirtoaca said he is honoured to represent Moldova in the USA, and assured George W. Bush that he will do his best to advance and strengthen the relations between the two countries

  10. Ultima parte a textului pe care l-am scris in engleza este comunicatul de presa al organizatiei Hyde Park din limba romana, care se poate gasi la http://www.curaj.net/?p=1061 , impreuna cu traducerea in engleza pe care am facut-o eu. Inainte de a traduce textul scrisorii mele si a lui Daniel Teodoru, vreau sa gasesc locatiile textelor la care am facut links in text, si anume cateva articole de la Moldova Azi, dar in limba romana. De asemenea, voi incerca sa plasez in acest forum si texte mai vechi pe care le-am scris, pe care le-am plasat prin 2002 in locuri ca forumul yam, care acum nu mai functioneaza (temporar). Cei care nu cunosc engleza, dar cunosc vreo alta limba internationala pentru care exista traducere gratuita pe internet (franceza, germana, spaniola, rusa) pot face aceasta traducere la http://world.altavista.com/ .

    Toate cele bune,


  11. Ar trebui tradus textul domnule vitalie caci nu fiecare are timp sa stea cu claviatura in fata ssi sa va traduca textul.Asta e parerea mea…

  12. Traducerea de mai jos nu e o traducere perfecta din engleza in romana; nu am facut-o eu. Nu am timp. A facut-o un program de tradus. Dar o astfel de traducere e mai buna decat nimic.

    Toate cele bune,


    Ce Bush a se pastra pentru noi in
    English, Opinii, Petitii, Rapoarte admin 9 Sep 2006, 3:35 am
    Administratiei Bush acopera pana la abuzuri ale drepturilor omului de regimuri care nu pot fi clasificate ca democratii liberale care au trimis trupe in Irak si ca sunt repressing demonstrators care sunt dificile, la intoarcerea din trupele din tarile lor de la nefolositoare, inutile si costisitoare Irak Razboi. Un exemplu de astfel de Moldova este o tara, in cazul in care hotararea Partidul Comunistilor din Republica Moldova se afla la arestarile din pasnica manifestanti de la Asociatia Hyde Park, care chiar au avut un permis de demonstratie lor pe 29-31 august, pe de flimsiest si, cel mai pretextul nejustificate. „Desi a manifestarilor de” Hyde Park „ONG-urilor din fata Casei Guvernului au fost autorizate de Primaria municipiului Chisinau for August 29-31, politia a motivat arestari cu faptul ca, la data de 30 august nu au fost demonstratii permise. „Vezi” 9 Membrii ONG-urilor au fost arestati In timpul o manifestatie pacifista „, la http://www.azi.md/print/40798/En. Am inclus o traducere din romana in engleza din cel mai recent comunicat de presa al organizatiei Hyde Park. in aceasta, membrii lor sunt exprima temerile lor de demonstratie pentru ca la sfarsitul acestui proiect, pentru retragerea trupelor din Moldova din Irak si Afganistan, precum si pentru retragerea trupelor ruse din Transnistria secessionist zona a Republicii Moldova va fi repressed.
    in aceste conditii, nu este de mirare ca orice administratiei Bush’s elan pentru democratizare a bypassed Moldova? Ce administratiei Bush are loc a fost realizat pentru a facilita re-Stalinization, re-Communization si re-Sovietization de continutul manualelor de istorie in uz in Moldova, incepand cu 1 septembrie 2006. Pentru mai multe informatii despre curs, a se vedea „Istoricii si Scriitorilor din Moldova face apel la comunitatea internationala pentru a trata obiectiv de aparitie a Istoric Curs integrat”, la http://www.azi.md/print/40175/En. „in conformitate cu o declaratie comuna emisa de cele doua structuri, prin acest experiment actualul guvern este incercarea de a reintroduce istoriografiei sovietice in teze de istorie, cu scopul de a” intoxicate „tanara generatie cu idei staliniste de istorie, limba si cultura.” Aceste se muta la „intoarce la trecut” se opun de Asociatia de istorici din Moldova, The Writers’ Union si de catre marea majoritate a opozitiei parlamentare de deputati. De asemenea, vezi „expertilor straini Spune Moldova trebuie sa pastreze Istoric Curs Prezent”, la http://www.azi.md/print/24694/En.
    Noi nu recunoastem in Partidul Republican, de astazi pro-democratie, spiritul anti-comuniste din Partidul Republican, Ronald Reagan, dar Comuniste spiritul celor neo-CONS care sa fie utilizate Trotskyists. Ei au creat atmosfera care a permis utilizarea in Statele Unite ale practicilor de telefon tapping, Fluierul de caractere asasinarea a-si suflante shameless lying caracteristica a regimurilor, cum ar fi cele de guvernamant Comunistilor din Republica Moldova si din ex-KGB-IST Presedintele rus, Vladimir Putin.

    Ionas Aurelian Rus
    Daniel Teodoru
    Republicans pentru un Congres democrat in 2006

    Comunicat de presa

    Apel catre reprezentantii organizatiilor neguvernamentale al caror scop este de Aparare a Drepturilor Omului, avocati si mass-media!

    Duminica, 09.03.2006 (de pe Ziua Nationala a Armatei), intre orele 10:00 [AM] si, 12:00 [PM], Asociatia Hyde Park va invita la un act de protest in fata Ministerul Apararii din SUA, cu scopul de a cererii la sfarsitul celei de a caracterului obligatoriu al serviciului militar, in Republica Moldova, la fel ca el nu a fost cu mult timp in urma, in toate Europene stat, in scopul de a aduce trupele din Moldova de la Irak si Afganistan , Precum si pentru retragerea de la ocupatia trupelor ruse de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova [din Transnistria – translator’s note]. Actiunea a fost autorizata de catre Primaria Municipiului Chisinau.

    Cu aceasta ocazie, intentionat sau nu, autoritatile sunt din nou, dand dovada de rea-credinta sau irresponsibility prin formularea a [permite] pentru o actiune, in care acesta este scris ca ne-ar protest, in scopul de a „promova serviciul militar obligatoriu” chiar daca, in acest solicitante de autorizare, am scris clar ca vom protesta „pentru a solicita eliminarea din serviciul militar obligatoriu”.

    Deoarece in momentul de ultima actiune de protest autorizat, din cauza unei insel interpretare a textului, a autorizatiei de catre reprezentanti ai fortelor de ordine, noua membri si simpatizanti a organizatiei Hyde Park au fost arestati abuziv si ilegal blocata timp de mai multe mult de 40 de ore, fara nici o justificare judiciare, vom presupune ca pe acest prilej, [autoritatile] sunt in cautarea unui pretext pentru a impiedica buna desfasurare a protestului. in aceste conditii, va fac apel la reprezentanti ai organizatiei non-guvernamentale care au ca obiect de aparare a drepturilor omului, a juristilor si mass-media, pentru a continua sa monitorizeze aceste actiuni, pentru a evita repetarea de abuzurile fortele de ordine publica.

    Adresa de actiune in cazul in care va avea loc, la sediul Ministerului Apararii din SUA, de pe str. Hincesti, nr. 84, in regiunea Telecentru, Chisinau, aproape de „Aleea de conducatori”, construit si convenit de catre comunisti, al carui porti sunt deschise doar in timpul week-end.

    The Hyde Park Association, Chisinau

    Ghenadie Brega

    Telefon: (+373) 69350894 Chisinau
    (+40) 745435321 Bucuresti
    Website: http://www.curaj.net

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