Should the mass media be held accountable?

There has never been a time in the history of the world as our modern times. Living in the age of information one can find anything needed at the touch of a button through the mass media. Most families own at least one television, one radio, and many have at least some sort of internet access. If not electronically, then people have access to information through the written word in the form of newspapers and magazines. If one wants to reach the public then the easiest way to go is through the mass media. The mass media is a great resource and is used for much good but in this essay I propose that the promotion of immorality in all areas of the mass media is destroying moral values by promoting the acceptance of sexual relations outside of marriage, the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, and the acceptance of marital unfaithfulness.
The sexual relationship is a beautiful gift from God given to man and woman to be used only within the boundaries of marriage and if used or promoted otherwise then destruction follows. This principle is clearly set out in the Bible, stating the benefits of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. Much of the information put out by the mass media is contrary to what the Bible teaches on the subject of sexual relations outside of marriage. Many popular magazines write of pleasing a lover but one of the key principles, the lover being your spouse, is often times not mentioned. Maintaining ones virginity is often seen as being old fashioned or stuck in the past. Promoting the acceptance of or condoning sexual relations outside of marriage destroys moral values, which in turn destroys the individual, leading to family destruction, and finally the destruction of the society. Medical studies continue to prove the Biblical declarations of sexual relations outside of marriage causing destruction. Sexually transmitted diseases are growing at a much higher right among people who are unmarried and sexually active than among those who are married and sexually active. As generations grow up in the age of information being continually exposed to the mass media’s promotion of the acceptance of sex outside of marriage then there will soon be generations of people who will have their moral values destroyed. This will lead to the destruction of the family and ultimately the society as a whole.
As earlier mentioned, the sexual relationship is a gift from God to be shared in marriage between a man and a woman and if distorted, as done in homosexuality, then destruction follows. The Bible clearly states that a homosexual lifestyle is sinful and destructive to those who practice it and to others because those who practice it encourage others to do so. As with sexual relations outside of marriage much of the mass media promotes the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. The medical community has proven the fact that the homosexual lifestyle is physically destructive to those who practice it. Many of today’s popular television sitcoms are geared toward promoting the homosexual lifestyle. There is one American sitcom “Will and Grace” which glorifies the homosexual lifestyle. If new generations are raised constantly being informed to accept the homosexual lifestyle through the mass media then will this not lead to the destruction of the individual? Families are made of individuals and the society of families so promoting the acceptance of something that destroys individuals will negatively affect the entire society.
As much of the mass media focuses on the sexual relationship, most people, especially men, are bombarded with sexual images, sounds, and references causing a constant desire to dwell on sex. The acceptance of marital unfaithfulness is often encouraged in much of the mass media today. The internet has specific websites and chat rooms that teach how to cheat on a spouse and not get caught. There are sitcoms such as “Desperate Housewives” that constantly speak of marital unfaithfulness. The sexual relationship in itself, when practiced in the confines of marriage, is a wonderful thing, but when it is removed from the context of marriage then it becomes destructive. Encouraging this behavior and its acceptance is very dangerous because the family is the bedrock of society. If marital unfaithfulness is encouraged then families are at risk of being destroyed.
As one can easily see the promotion of immorality through much of the mass media is destroying moral values within society because people are encouraged to accept the practice of sexual relations outside of marriage, accept the homosexual lifestyle, and accept marital unfaithfulness. If new generations grow up constantly being bombarded with the promotion of the acceptance of immorality then what does the future hold for our society? I believe that the mass media needs to be held accountable for its promotion of the acceptance of immorality and make a change to promoting morality, specifically sexual morality.


2 răspunsuri la “Should the mass media be held accountable?”

  1. ªi ce vrei, ma? Ca numai heterosexualii sa faca sex? Crapi de invidie daca se mai bucura cineva de viata, dar altfel decat ai fost invatat tu s-o faci. Esti uracios, fii pe pace, nimeni nu va atenta la farmecele tale. Esti la fel de atractiv ca si o femeie. Lua-v-ar dracul de propovaduitori, ca nici voi nu traiti, nici pe altii nu-i lasati.

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