UE semnalează probleme în procesul electoral din R.Moldova

Uniunea Europeană semnalează probleme în derularea procesului electoral din Moldova în ajunul alegerilor parlamentare din 5 aprilie

Dupa cum transmite INFOTAG, in declaratia prezentata la Viena, in cadrul sedintei Consiliului Permanent al OSCE, se precizeaza ca este vorba de asa „aspecte negative, precum utilizarea abuziva a resurselor administrative, probleme privind componenta listelor electorale si acoperirea mediatica dezechilibrata in favoarea majoritati aflate la putere”.

Uniunea Europeana considera ca „desfasurarea democratica a alegerilor parlamentare din 5 aprilie are o importanta deosebita”.

In document se mai spune ca ritmul si calitatea reformelor, pe care Republica Moldova si-a asumat responsabilitatea sa le indeplineasca, „influenteaza natura relatiilor acestui stat cu Uniunea Europeana”.

[EN] EU highlights election-related problems in R.Moldova

The European Union has highlighted problems related to the election process in Moldova in the run-up to the April 5 parliamentary polls

Chisinau, April 3 ( INFOTAG ). The statement, made public in Vienna during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, indicated such negative aspects as excessive using of administrative resources, problems arising at shaping voter registers, unbalanced coverage of the election campaign in favor of the majority ruling the country.

The European Union presumes the holding of the 2009 parliamentary elections in a genuinely democratic atmosphere has a particular importance for the republic.

The document also said the pace and quality of the reforms, which the Republic of Moldova has undertaken to implement, will influence further relations between the republic and the European Union

[RU] Eвросоюз отмечает проблемы, связанные с избирательным процессом в Молдове

Евросоюз назвал проблемы, связанные с избирательным процессом в Молдове накануне парламентских выборов 5 апреля

Кишинев, 3 апреля ( ИНФОТАГ ). Как передает „ИНФОТАГ”, в заявлении, обнародованном в Вене на совещании Постоянного совета ОБСЕ, уточняется, что речь идет о таких „отрицательных аспектах, как чрезмерное использование административных ресурсов, проблемах, касающихся состава избирательных списков, и несбалансированного освещения предвыборной кампании в пользу большинства, находящегося у власти”.

Евросоюз считает, что „проведение демократических парламентских выборов 5 апреля имеет особую важность”.

В документе говорится также, что темпы и качество реформ, которые Молдова обязалась выполнить, окажут влияние на ее отношения с Евросоюзом

2 răspunsuri la “UE semnalează probleme în procesul electoral din R.Moldova”

  1. U.S. Senate resolution urging the Government of Moldova to ensure a fair and democratic election process for the parliamentary elections on April 5, 2009



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    Whereas Senate Resolution 60, 110th Congress, agreed to February 17, 2005, expressed the support of the Senate for democratic reform in Moldova and urged the Government of Moldova to… (Agreed to by Senate)

    SRES 56 ATS

    111th CONGRESS

    1st Session

    S. RES. 56
    Urging the Government of Moldova to ensure a fair and democratic election process for the parliamentary elections on April 5, 2009.


    February 25, 2009
    Mr. LUGAR (for himself, Mr. KERRY, and Mr. CARDIN) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations

    March 31, 2009
    Reported by Mr. KERRY, without amendment

    April 1, 2009
    Considered and agreed to


    Urging the Government of Moldova to ensure a fair and democratic election process for the parliamentary elections on April 5, 2009.

    Whereas Senate Resolution 60, 110th Congress, agreed to February 17, 2005, expressed the support of the Senate for democratic reform in Moldova and urged the Government of Moldova to ensure a democratic and fair election process for the parliamentary elections on March 6, 2005, by ensuring `unimpeded access by all parties and candidates to print, radio, television, and Internet media on a nondiscriminatory basis’ and `the right of opposition candidates and workers to engage in campaigning free of harassment, discrimination, and intimidation’;

    Whereas the Election Observation Mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) found that, while the parliamentary elections in 2005 generally complied with most of the OSCE commitments and other international standards, `they fell short of some that are central to a genuinely competitive election process’, in particular `campaign conditions and access to media’, confirming the `negative trends already noted in the 2003 local elections’;

    Whereas the Election Observation Mission found that the local elections held in June 2007 in Moldova were generally well administered but `fell short of a number of OSCE commitments central to a competitive electoral process’, in particular by not fully respecting `the right of citizens to seek public office and equitable media access’;

    Whereas Freedom House, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization working to advance the expansion of freedom, again in 2008 designated the political environment of Moldova as only `partly free’;

    Whereas political liberties and civil rights are key indicators of eligibility for support from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, an entity of the United States Government, which is now considering a sizeable grant for the economic and political development of Moldova; and

    Whereas recent actions by entities of the Government of Moldova raise serious questions about the readiness of the Government of Moldova to break free from the unfortunate patterns established in the elections in 2003, 2005, and 2007 and to create the campaign conditions and access to media required for truly free and fair elections: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the Senate–

    (1) reaffirms the strong, mutually beneficial relationship that exists between the United States Government and the Government of Moldova;

    (2) recognizes that the development of a genuinely democratic political system in Moldova is a precondition for the full integration of Moldova into the Western community of nations and the provision of assistance necessary to attain such integration;

    (3) urges the Government of Moldova to meet its commitments to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, especially in respect to the conduct of elections, by guaranteeing–

    (A) unimpeded access by all parties and candidates to public print, radio, television, and Internet media on a nondiscriminatory basis;

    (B) the ability of independent media to cover campaigns on an unrestricted basis;

    (C) the right of opposition candidates and workers to engage in campaigning free of harassment, discrimination, and intimidation; and

    (D) adequate means for citizens of Moldova residing abroad to cast their ballots; and

    (4) in light of the steps taken by the Government of Moldova, pledges the continued support of the United States Government for the establishment in Moldova of a fully free and democratic system, the creation of a prosperous market economy, and the assumption by Moldova of its rightful place as a full and equal member of the Western community of democracies.


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  2. semnaleaza … dar s epoate face ceva concret in privinta asta ? ca UE … Moldova…nu prea se impaca momentan 🙁

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