SEEMO/IPI disappointed by the decision of Moldovan authorities to stop free movement of journalists and urges an investigation of several press freedom violations on 9 and 10 April
Vienna, 10 April 2009
The Vienna based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), affiliate of the International Press Institute, is disappointed to learn that on 7 April 2009, a group of journalists from Jurnalul Naþional, Evenimentul Zilei, Ziua, Realitatea TV, Associated Press, EPA, France Press, Intact Images, NewsIn, Mediafax and. Reuters, who were travelling from Romania to report from Chisinau, were stopped by the Moldovan authorities at the borders and could not enter Moldova.
Moldavian officials requested different documents from the journalists, like invitations, special healthcare insurances, and accreditations from the Moldovan government. Some of the journalists were not given any explanation as to why they could not enter Moldova.
SEEMO also supports the local journalists associations in Moldova and Romania, like the Independent Journalism Center, the Association of Independent Press, the Investigative Journalism Center, the Acces-info Center, the Young Journalist Center of Moldova, the Union of Journalists of Moldova, Broadcast Media Association and the Federation of Romanian Journalists (MediaSind), who were protesting against the steps against press freedom by the authorities in Chisinau.
According to the SEEMO Secretary General Oliver Vujovic, this is a clear restriction of the free movement of journalists. I call on the Moldovan authorities to respect the right to the free movement of individuals, journalists and freedom of expression and reporting. Asking for an accreditation or other documents from journalists on the border was against rules, knowing, that foreign journalists need accreditation only if they wish to be accredited as permanent correspondents in Moldova or to have access to official state institutions and representatives, Vujovic added. Vujovic finally said: As I know, EU citizens need only their passport to enter Moldova, and I am asking the authorities in Moldova for a fast investigation of this cases of restriction of press freedom.
SEEMO is also worried about attacks against journalists that happened on 9 and 10 April 2009. Constantin Rogodantev, cameraman for TV station Pro TV from Chisinau, was assaulted on 9 April, in the night, by police forces protecting the headquarters of Moldovan government. As the TV station Pro TV reported, two police officers hit him and forced him to hand over his tape. Also in this night, journalist Yevgenyia Kironaki, cameraman Mihai Valentin Buzduga and driver Gabriel Colac of Romanian TV station Realitatea TV were detained by the Moldovan police and released a few hours later and they left for Romania.
Finally SEEMO is alarmed about the kidnapping of Rodica Mahu, editor-in-chief of Jurnal de Chisinau daily newspaper, on 10 April 2009. She was reporting for her newspaper and was kidnapped in front of the Government building by four unknown civilians, interrogated by the police and after two hours released. SEEMO is also alarmed about the case of Doru Dendiu of the Romanian TVR. He was reporting from Moldova for TVR on 10 April in the morning, when the police came and asked him to stop his work. After that, TVR could not have any contact with Dendiu.
Oliver Vujovic, urges the police and authorities of Moldova to identify and punish the officers involved in all this incidents.
SEEMO publications are: SEEMO South East and Central Europe Media Handbook (annual publication since 2003, latest edition published in 2008), deScripto Magazine (quarterly publication), Investigative Reporting Handbook and Media and Minorities in SEE.
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