The Wind Of Change Is Coming

All people are entitled to certain inalienable rights by nature, such as liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. Every single one of us whether male or female, old or young, rich or poor, we all require these rights in order to fulfill our potential as human beings. The fact is that the recent course events, here in the Republic of Moldovan, has been driven by a younger generation consisting of mostly college and university students is being looked down upon. But do we not have the same rights as everybody else? Are we not all equal in our potential if not our experience? We have endured the oppressive Communist regime unlawfully governing our country for far too long and we shall have it no more. We want our freedom of expression back, we want the safety of our lives, and most importantly, as enthusiastic, vigorous young people with great aspirations in mind, we want the opportunity to make our dreams come true.

The April 5th elections have left us feeling cheated. The ruling Communist Party headed by Vladimir Voronin has stolen from us, the people of Moldova, what is rightfully ours: the democratic process. The Party has grown strong and arrogant through its abuse of power over the past eight years. It has become rotten to the core with greed and corruption and thinks itself unstoppable, but we, the people, will not let it happen this time. We have suffered enough, and now it is time that we stand up for our rights.

On April 6th thousands of us gathered on the Great National Assembly Plaza to peacefully protest the election and demand a reevaluation of its results. Although our voices were not recognized, they were heard. Our multitude was perceived as a threat by the government and so their preparations began…

On the next day, April 7th, before the peaceful demonstration even began, police forces were caught on camera collecting bricks by the buckets. The question is why? Why would policemen preparing for peaceful demonstrations collect bricks even if they were to never use them? The answer is very simple and frightening in its nature. Those same police forces were to infiltrate the peaceful demonstrations dressed as civilians, and to instigate violence among the demonstrators by using those same bricks as weapons and tools of vandalism. They succeeded… But what was their purpose?

Provoking the crowd to violence would make it seem aggressive and dangerous, giving Mr. Voronin the complete power of a dictator in the situation and the authority to use violence full blown force to “quell” the demonstrators whenever necessary. Even though hardly any actions were taken by the police during the day to stop the ongoing vandalism in order to show the world the “atrocities” that it had to deal with, the police was much braver at night picking up then already peaceful protestors, assaulting, and arresting them one by one.

On April 8th we returned once again to the Plaza peacefully, determined not to respond to any provocations, and yet we were met by brutal and unnecessary force. Our freedom to assemble had now also been taken away. Many students and minors have been captured, assaulted, and driven away to undisclosed locations by police officers dressed as civilians who refused to identify themselves. There is proof to all of these statements in the form of videos spread all over the internet, so no matter how hard the Communists try, the truth will never be silenced. We are fighting for a righteous cause and justice is on our side. We will be heard. We will overcome all obstacles in our fight for freedom. We will stay united in the face of adversity and we will be victorious!!! The world will help us!!!

-The Wind of Change

5 răspunsuri la “The Wind Of Change Is Coming”

  1. Bloggerul Stela Popa care scria pe Unimedia.MD s-a mutat temporal pe Blogul lui Cojocari Vitalie in domeniu RO,deoarece comunistii tot „viruseaza” Unimedia astfel incat rar se mai reuseste sa se intre pe site si sa se citeasca si/sau comenteze articolele postate acolo de diversi Blogeri sau ziaristi care lupta pentru libertatea si independenta presei de peste Prut.
    Intrati cati mai multi pe blogul Unimedia mutat temporal pe Cojocari Vitalie si dati-va cu parerea astfel incat sa aratam cu totii ca sfidam actiunile de intimidare si bagare a pumnului in gura tinerilor jurnalisti basarabeni de catre comunisti in lupta lor pentru democratizarea si europenizarea intregii societati de peste Prut.

    Nu fiti indiferenti,implicativa si popularizati acest link pe site-urile sau blogurile pe care obisnuiti sa intrati .

  2. Sunt de acord cu articolul respectiv dar este o intrebare care o pun chit comunitatea internationala va incide ocii la cea ce se petrece aici cu adevarat.

  3. Point of view.

    Hello to everyone who took a stand for the true democracy in Moldova.
    As a native Moldavian I decided to have a say on the situation in Moldova as I believe that every little bit helps to promote true values of democracy across my dear little country. It is sad to see that young people took into the streets of our capital city vandalizing the house of parliament and many other government institutions in order to make their voice heard. There are a lot of talks of who instigated such an outrageous behavior but I invite you to consider this:
    Firstly I have personally experienced during communist ruling violation of my human rights by police.
    Secondly our justice system is corrupted. One should consider twice if at all looking for justice at the courts. Justice is for money and in many cases our government is the one who is in violation of its own laws. It is enough to look on how many cases our country lost in the European court of justice.
    Thirdly, our justice system does not encourage people to go to courts to defend its rights as our governing party is pretty well aware of many abuses and violations, by doing so they discourage people to promoting true values of democracy and not educating the spirit of freedom and true democracy.
    Fourthly if putting all things together it speaks of corruption, the phenomenon of corruption is the destructive force at the foundation of any government.
    Outlining just these few things gives me all rights to suspect fraudulent elections and justifies the demand of all opposing parties.
    The very fact that young people took into the streets speaks of itself which means that they do not see any future prospective in this society. Our current president lost the youth and that is a huge blow to his presidency of 8 years!!!
    I was lucky to have tasted freedom in England and honestly saying I do not wish to live in a country that does not care of its citizens. True democracy to me is first of all transparency on all levels and of course no way to corruption. Any ruling party that fails to deliver true values of democracy is doomed.


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