Hate Crimes by Some Minority Russophones Against Members of Moldova’s Moldovan/Romanian Majority
Dear Sir or Madam,
The various CSCE reports make no mention of a fairly widespread problem that became substantially more acute after the coming to power of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova in 2001. I am referring to a number of hate crimes against the ethnic majority population of the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovans/Romanians, particularly if they speak Romanian, committed by some members of the Russophone population. The details of a specific case appear below, in my letter to Minelres-L (Minority Electronic Resources), including the translation of an article from a newspaper, Jurnal de Chisinau, published today (September 20, 2005). This article details one of these recent hate crime against a pharmacy director who was simply speaking her country’s official language when serving the pharmacy’s customers, and was brutally aggressed for this reason. None of the perpetrators of any of these crimes have ever been discovered and punished, and frankly there was no real effort to find them. The CSCE and the U.S. government in general, and the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau in particular, should bring this type of problem to the attention of the government of the Republic of Moldova. It should be insisted that measures should be taken to punish the perpetrators of these types of crimes, and that actions should be taken to prevent similar occurrences. As a naturalized U.S. citizen of Romanian ethnicity, I find this issue important.
So do other Romanian-Americans.
All the best,
Ionas Aurelian Rus
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Political Science Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ 08901
Former President of the European Studies Graduate Student Association (2001-2004)
5 răspunsuri la “Letter to Helsinki Committee on Russophone violence against the majority population in Republic of Moldova”
Violenta rusofona asupra populatiei basarabene, analizata de Comitetul Helsinki | 23 September 2005
Basarabeanul Ionas Aurelian Rus, student la doctorat pe Stiinte Politice la Universitatea Rutgers New Brunswick din statul american New Jersy, a adresat o scrisoare catre Comitetul Helsinki in care condamna violenta rusofona exercitata asupra majoritatii populatiei Republicii Moldova.
Scrisoarea pune accent pe faptul ca, de la venirea Partidului Comunist la putere in anul 2001, in Basarabia au loc tot felul de incidente grave, indreptate spre populatia de etnie romana din Republica. Autorul scrisorii face referire si la un ultim incident de acest fel care este prezentat si de publicatia “Jurnalul de Chisinau”, in care o femeie a fost batuta pentru ca vorbea limba romana. Aceasta, directaoare a unei farmacii, a raspuns in limba romana la o intrebare a unui client adresata in limba rusa. Se pare ca vinovatii in astfel de cazuri sunt membrii populatiei rusofone, dar autoritatile nu au facut si nici nu fac eforturi in pedepsirea faptasilor.
Ionas Aurelian Rus considera ca Organizatia pentru Securitate si Cooperare in Europa, Guvernul American si Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii la Chisinau ar trebui sa ridice aceste probleme Guvernului basarabean, informeaza portalul curaj.net. Poate asa se vor lua masurile cuvenite pentru prinderea si pedepsirea celor raspunzatori de astfel de actiuni.
Ce facem ,fratilor ? Ne organizam sa promovam la nivel de grass-root un comprotment strict axat pe folosirea in orice situatie a romanei in orice relatii cu neromanofonii. Bunaoara, nu cumparam nimic de la cei care afiseaza inscriptii in rusa sau nu ne raspund in romana. Astfel, si romanii nostri or mai prinde la cheag, nu numai rusofonii care controleaza peste 85% din intreaga economie a Moldovei.
Desigur, articolul din Romanian Global News nu este perfect. Nu sunt basarabean, ci iesean. Totusi, am incercat sa pus pe agenda o problema, si am primit „fan mail” privata de la mai multe persoane, tipic basarabeni care traiesc in America sau Europa Occidentala, sau au fost acolo pentru cel putin un an, un lucru care arata caracteristicile demografice ale celor care inteleg ca nu mi-am pierdut timpul.
Ca sa se poata face ceva pe o chestiune ca aceasta, presa moldava de pe internet trebuie sa o discute, si este bine sa apara si in engleza la Moldova Azi. In concluzie, acum este greu sa se faca „lobby” din partea unor „amatori” in chestiuni moldave decat in trecut, si daca unii devin descurajati si nu mai fac ce au facut in trecut, raspunderea o poarta partial si presa.
Toate cele bune,
acasa arhiva cautare Publicitate
Editia curenta: nr. 416 din 23 septembrie 2005
Bomba | Editorial | Politic | Casa de nebuni | Eveniment | Reporter special | Opinii | Interviu | Cocktail | Important/Publicitate |
Batuta pentru limba
•autor: Vitalie Hadei
La 13 septembrie, directoarea unei farmacii din municipiul Chisinau a fost batjocorita si lovita doar pentru faptul ca a vorbit in limba romana.
Victima, Valentina Grebincea, sustine ca o femeie de circa 40 de ani a insultat-o utilizand un limbaj obscen, apoi a lovit-o cu pumnii si cu picioarele in burta numai pentru ca a raspuns in romaneste la o intrebare adresata in limba rusa.
„Pentru mine este ceva obisnuit sa am conflicte cu unii clienti pentru faptul ca le raspund la solicitarile lor in limba romana. Cred ca am avut parte de cateva zeci de asemenea cazuri, insa ceea ce s-a intamplat zilele trecute a fost culmea”, povesteste Valentina Grebincea.
Batuta pentru ca a raspuns romaneste
Agresoarea a intrebat farmacista unde este Sanepid-ul, iar aceasta, ca de obicei, a raspuns in limba romana. Potrivit farmacistei, rusoaica si-a sarit de pe fix si a inceput sa injure de mama focului. „Что, забыла руский язык?”, a fost una din replicile agresoarei. ªi, parca nu i-au fost suficiente cuvintele de ocara, la iesire a lovit-o pe farmacista cum a putut mai bine, de parca ar fi facut arte martiale, isi aminteste doamna Grebincea. La o saptamana de la incident, doctorita pastreaza semne de agresiune pe fata, iar halatul femeii si acum are „tatuata” o talpa in zona abdomenului.
Batuta pentru ca a vorbit romaneste
”Cum se intampla ca intr-un loc public din Moldova, nu vorbesc de alta tara, sa fii agresata in ziua amiaza mare pentru ca vorbesti limba ta in tara ta?”, se intreaba retoric Valentina Grebincea. Femeia spune ca lucreaza de multi ani farmacista si isi da seama ce fel de clienti deserveste. „Deseori vin moldovenii la farmacie si se adreseaza in rusa, de parca le-ar fi rusine sa vorbeasca in limba lor. Cand le raspund in romana li se lumineaza fetele. Poate au fost si ei in situatia mea si de aceea se tem sa-si vorbeasca limba”, este de parere dna Grebincea.
Agresoare neidentificata
Victima a anuntat politia care a initiat o ancheta pe marginea acestui caz. Expertiza medico-legala arata ca farmacista a avut de suferit leziuni corporale usoare. Femeia considera ca farmacistii ar trebui sa se coalizeze si sa-si apere drepturile impotriva unor asemenea indivizi care nu rerspecta poporul ce i-a gazduit primitor, ba mai mult, agreseaza fizic angajatii care isi fac datoria. Valentina nu a primit inca vesti de la politie privind identificarea agresoarei, desi a apelat imediat la ajutorul organelor de mentinere a ordinii publice. „Gasirea si tragerea la raspundere a acesteia ar echivala cu castigul unei lupte intr-un razboi cu cei care se cred mai presus de lege”, ramane optimista victima.
Ultimele 5 comentarii
30 comentarii :: Adauga/Vezi toate comentariileMultumesc
Sunt fiica Dnei Grebincea si asi vrea sa va multum …>>
» de Lovelycookie [2005-09-23], 104 cuvinte
Despre limba
Foarte trist ceia ce se intampla in Moldova si mai …>>
» de zimbru [2005-09-23], 148 cuvinte
vas propune sa renuntati sa cumparati de la persoa …>>
» de Adevarul [2005-09-23], 28 cuvinte
Pentru David
Eu sunt increzut ca ros ca nu va face absolut nimi …>>
» de Adevarul [2005-09-23], 49 cuvinte
» de arsenescu [2005-09-23], 1 cuvant
Adresa noastra: of 446, 22 Puskin str., MD2012, Chisinau, Moldova,
tel: +373 2 234041, 234679, fax: +373 2 234230, email: cotidian@jurnal.md
Copyright © 2003, JURNAL de Chisinau
Din motive usor de inteles, voi inlocui o parte din informatia „de contact” pentru mine cu „…”. Mai jos este scrisoarea pe care am trimis-o la Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe a Congresului American. In continutul textului, se poate vedea si ce am trimis la Minelres-L.
Toate cele bune,
Thank you for your interest.
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• First Name: Ionas
• Last Name: Rus
• Email Address: rus@polisci.rutgers.edu
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• Message:
Hate Crimes by Some Minority Russophones Against Members of Moldova’s Moldovan/Romanian Majority
Dear Sir or Madam,
The various CSCE reports make no mention of a fairly widespread problem that became substantially more acute after the coming to power of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova in 2001. I am referring to a number of hate crimes against the ethnic majority population of the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovans/Romanians, particularly if they speak Romanian, committed by some members of the Russophone population. The details of a specific case appear below, in my letter to Minelres-L (Minority Electronic Resources), including the translation of an article from a newspaper, Jurnal de Chisinau, published today (September 20, 2005). This article details one of these recent hate crime against a pharmacy director who was simply speaking her country’s official language when serving the pharmacy’s customers, and was brutally aggressed for this reason. None of the perpetrators of any of these crimes have ever been discovered and punished, and frankly there was no real effort to find them. The CSCE and the U.S. government in general, and the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau in particular, should bring this type of problem to the attention of the government of the Republic of Moldova. It should be insisted that measures should be taken to punish the perpetrators of these types of crimes, and that actions should be taken to prevent similar occurrences. As a naturalized U.S. citizen of Romanian ethnicity, I find this issue important. So do other Romanian-Americans.
All the best,
Ionas Aurelian Rus
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Political Science
Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ 08901
Former President of the European Studies Graduate Student Association (2001-2004)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:44:37 -0400
From: Ionas Aurelian Rus
To: minelres@lists.microlink.lv
Subject: Moldovan Pharmacy Director Beaten Up for Speaking the Official Language
The following article appears in the Romanian language in a Chisinau
publication, Jurnal de Chisinau, no. 415, September 20, 2005. I have translated
the text, which may be found at
http://www.jurnal.md/articol.php?id=3747&cat=&editie= , into English myself.
One could find similar reports in other Romanian-language publications from the
Republic of Moldova after the coming to power of the Communists in 2001. None
of the aggressors has ever been punished.
All the best,
Ionas Aurelian Rus
Beaten for Language
Author: Vitalie Hadei
On September 13, the director of a pharmacy in the city of Chisinau was insulted
and hit for the mere fact that she spoke in the Romanian language.
The victim, Valentina Grebincea, claims that a woman of around 40 years insulted
her through the use of an obscene language, then hit her with her fists and
feet on her belly only because she answered in Romanian at a question addressed
in the Russian language.
“For me it is unusual to have conflicts with certain clients because I am
answering to their requests in the Romanian language. I think that I dealt with
several tens of such cases, but what happened the last days went over the top”,
recounts Valentina Grebincea.
Beaten Up for Answering in Romanian
The aggressor asked the pharmacist where the Sanepid (i.e., public health office
– Ionas Aurelian Rus) is located, and she, as usually, responded in the
Romanian language. According to the pharmacist, the Russian jumped and started
to curse assiduously. “What, did you forget the Russian language?” (Note: This
is a translation from Russian. – Ionas Aurelian Rus), was one of the statements
of the aggressor. And, as if the insults would not have been sufficient, when
exiting the pharmacy, she hit the pharmacist as hard as possible, as if she was
a specialist in martial arts, remembers Mrs. Grebincea. A week after the
incident, the doctor retains signs of the aggression on her face, while the
white coat of the woman is even now “tattooed” by a shoe trace in the abdominal
Beaten Up for Speaking Romanian
“How come that in a public place in Moldova – I am not talking about another
country – could a person be attacked in mid-day for speaking your own language
in your own country”, asked Valentina Grebincea rhetorically. The woman notes
that she has worked for many years as a pharmacist, and knows what kind of
clients she is serving. “Often the (ethnic) Moldovans are coming to the
pharmacy and speaking in Russian, as if they were ashamed to speak in their
language. When I am answering them in Romanian, their faces light up with
happiness. Perhaps they were also in my situation and are afraid to speak their
language”, Mrs. Grebincea states her opinion.
Agressor Unidentified
The victim contacted the police, which initiated an investigation of this case.
The legal medical expertise shows that the pharmacist had suffered light
corporal lesions. The woman believes that the pharmacists should unite and
defend their rights against such individuals who do not respect the people who
received them hospitably, but even more, physically attack the employees who
are doing their duty. Valentina has not received any news from the police
concerning the identification of the aggressor, even though she appealed
immediately for the assistance of the organs for the maintenance of public
order. “The finding and holding to account of this (aggressor – Ionas Aurelian
Rus) would be equivalent with the victory of a fight in a war with those who
think that they are above the law”, (says the) victim, who remains optimistic.
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