About 1300 peasants from Dorotcaia village, Dubasari district (Republic of Moldova), in the period May-August 2005 addressed to the European Court of Human Rights. The petitioners blamed the Russian Government, because the representatives of the separatist authorities from Tiraspol banned the access to their private lots situated after the Tiraspol-Dubasari route, controlled by the paramilitary forces of the separatist regime from Tiraspol.
The peasants stress the fact that beginning with the year 1998, they have been obliged to pay different taxes for the use of their private lots. The situation became unbearable in the fall of 2004, when the peasants were definitively prohibited to cultivate the privatized lots. Recently, under the decision of the unconstitutional authorities the agricultural lots of the peasants were transferred in the possession of the kolhoz from Dzerjinscoe, Dubasari district.
Beginning with the year 2004, the lots are supervised by the paramilitary forces of the separatist regime from the Eastern region of the Republic of Moldova. Thus, de facto, the peasants were deprived of their private property, this being their unique source of existence. This fact has a negative impact both on the families and on all the people living in the region, who are close to a humanitarian crisis, because 92% of the agricultural lots belonging to the peasants from Doro?caia village are situated after the Tiraspol-Dubasari route. Therefore, the majority of the people living in this region appealed to the European Court.
Aiming at the problem solution, on April 24, and May 11, 2005, the peasants organized protest actions in front of the Russian Embassy from Chisinau, but without any results.
The peasants sustain that the unconstitutional authorities from the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, especially those from Dubasari town violate their right to property guaranteed by the art. 1 of the First Protocol of the European Convention of Human Rights, appealing directly to the European Court of Human Rights, referring to the art.13 from the Convention, “the right to an effective recourse”.
The application is directed against the government of the Russian Federation, because the petitioners consider the Russian Federation responsible for the violation of human rights on the territory controlled by the separatist regime from Tiraspol. In the same time, the government of the Republic of Moldova is obliged to take all the necessaryy measures for the insurance of the respect of the right to property , measures that it did not undertake.
The peasants request form the High European Court for Human Rights the urgent examination of the petitions, because they are deprived of a decent living and the long waiting can lead to the worsening of the lots situation and human conditions fro the applicants and their families.
The so-called Moldovan transnistrian republic appeared in 1992, as a result of a short but bloody war between the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Moldova and a criminal group supported by the XIV Army of the Russian Federation.
Recently, under the decision of the European Court from July 8, 2004, the High Court established the implication of the Russian Federation in the conflict on the river Nistru, supporting the separatism in the Eastern region of the Republic of Moldova, and the responsibility for the violation of human rights in the territory occupied by the separatist regime.
In front of the European Court of Human Rights the peasants are represented by Ion Manole and Alexandru Postica, members of the Association „PROMO-LEX”, which during the year 2005 provide legal support for people living in Dubasari district.
Asociatia PROMO-LEX
Republica Moldova, mun. Chisinau, str. Sciusev nr.93
tel./fax: (373-22) 238826 mobil: 069177101; 069104851. e-mail:
Peste 1300 de tarani din satul Dorotcaia, raionul Dubasari (Republica Moldova), au sesizat in perioada mai-august 2005, Curtea Europeana pentru Drepturile Omului. Petitionarii au atacat Guvernul Federatiei Ruse, deoarece reprezentantii autoritatilor separatiste de la Tiraspol le-au interzis accesul la terenurile private, situate dupa traseul rutier Tiraspol-Dubasari, controlat de fortele paramilitare ale regimlului separatist de la Tiraspol.
taranii invoca faptul ca incepind cu anul 1998, au fost obligati de catre separatisti sa achite diverse taxe si impozite pentru folosirea terenurilor proprii. Situatia a devenit insuportabila in toamna anului 2004, cand taranilor li s-a interzis definitiv prelucrarea terenurilor agricole privatizate. Recent, prin decizia autoritatilor neconstitutionale, terenurile agricole ale taranilor au fost transferate in posesia kolhozului din localitatea Dzerjinscoe, or. Dubasari,.
incepind cu anul 2004, terenurile sunt pazite de catre fortele paramilitare ale regimului separatist din regiunea de est a Republicii Moldova. in asa mod, de facto, taranii au fost lipsiti de proprietatea lor privata si respectiv, de unica lor sursa de exsitenta. Aceasta are un impact extrem de negativ asupra familiilor lor, precum si asupra tuturor locuitorilor din regiune, care sunt la un pas de o criza umanitara, dat fiind faptul ca 92% din terenurile agricole ale taranilor s.Dorotcaia se afla dupa traseul rutier Tiraspol-Dubasari. Astfel, Curtea Europeana a fost sesizata de catre marea majoritate a locuitorilor localitatii respective.
in scopul solutionarii problemei, la 24 aprilie si 11 mai 2005 taranii au organizat actiuni de protest in fata Ambasadei Federatiei Ruse din Chisinau, dar fara nici un rezultat.
taranii pretind ca autoritatile neconstitutionale din regiunea transnistreana a Republicii Moldova, in special cele din or.Dubasari, le violeaza in mod flagrant dreptul la proprietate, garantat de art.1 Protocolul nr.1 al Conventiei Europene pentru Drepturile Omului, sesizand direct Curtea Europeana pentru Drepturile Omului prin invocarea art.13 din Conventie, „dreptul la un recurs efectiv”.
Cererea este indreptata impotriva guvernului Federatiei Ruse, deoarece petitionarii considera ca anume Federatia Rusa este responsabila pentru violarea drepturilor omului pe teritoriul controlat de regimul separatist de la Tiraspol. Totodata, guvernul Republicii Moldova are obligatia de a intreprinde toate masurile necesare pentru asigurarea respectarii dreptului lor la proprietate, pe care insa nu le-a intreprins.
taranii au solicitat inaltei Curti Europene pentru Drepturile Omului examinarea petitiilor in regim de urgenta, deoarece sunt lipsiti de un trai decent iar termenul lung de asteptare duce la inrautatirea starii terenurilor si a conditiilor umane pentru reclamanti si familiile acestora.
Asa numita republica moldoveneasca nistreana a aparut in anul 1992, in urma unui razboi de scurta durata, dar singeros intre autoritatile constitutionale ale Republicii Moldova, pe de o parte si un grup criminal, sustinut de armata a XIV a Federatiei Ruse, pe de alta parte.
Recent, prin Hotarirea Curtii Europene din 8 iulie 2004, inalta Curte a stabilit implicarea Federatiei Ruse in conflictul de pe Nistru, sustinerea separatismului in regiunea de est a Republicii Moldova si responsabilitatea Rusiei pentru incalcarea Drepturilor Omului in regiunea ocupata de regimul separatist.
in fata Curtii Europene pentru Drepturile Omului taranii sunt reprezentati de juristii Ion Manole si Alexandru Postica, membri ai Asociatiei Obstesti „PROMO-LEX”, care pe parcursul anului 2005 acorda consultatii juridice gratuite locuitorilor raionului Dubasari.
Un răspuns la “About 1300 peasants from Dorotcaia village addressed to the European Court of Human Rights”
Rusia, parata la CEDO
Taranii din satul Dorotcaia au trimis la Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului peste 1300 de petitii in care se afirma ca Federatia Rusa le incalca dreptul la proprietate privata, informeaza Agentia Romanian Global News. Semnatarii petitiilor considera ca Rusia este vinovata de faptul ca pe teritoriul controlat de Tiraspol se incalca drepturile omului si ca republica nistreana a aparut in urma unui razboi intre autoritatile constitutionale ale Republicii Moldova si un grup criminal, sustinut de Armata a 14-a a Federatiei Ruse. O alta problema semnalata de tarani este interzicerea accesului la terenurile lor de pamant, amplasate dupa traseul rutier Tiraspol-Dubasari, conform declaratiei facute marti, 27 septembrie, de primarul de Dorotcaia. Acesta a subliniat ca petitionarii, printre care si el, au cerut CEDO examinarea cererilor in regim de urgenta. (ziua)