Stat slab, cetatenie incerta

Asociatia Ziaristilor Independenti din Romania Institutul Cultural Roman (Directia Romani din Afara Tarii), impreuna cu Biuroul Europa Libera si Centrul de Jurnalism independent de la Chisinau, organizeaza sambata, 28 aprilie, orele 12, in incinta bibliotecii municipale Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, Sediul Central, bd. Stefan cel Mare 148 , orasul Chisinau o intalnire dezbatere intre jurnalisti din Bucuresti si Chisinau, prilejuita de Ziua Internationala a Libertatii Presei.
Se va prezenta volumul Stat slab, cetatenie incerta, Studii despre Republica Moldova , *coord., Monica Heintz, aparut la Editura Curtea Veche.
Se va inmina o donatie de carti romanesti din partea unor edituri si persoane private, catre institutii de cultura din Chisinau.


Teodora Stanciu – , presedinte AZIR, realizator Radio Romania- Cultural.
Doina Jela, scriitor, editor, secretar AZIR ( Membru Comitet executiv AEJ).
Florin Esanu, fotoreporter Romania libera, Membru Comitet Executiv AZIR.
Vasile Botnaru, seful biroului Europa Libera din Republica Moldova
Nicolae Negru, editorialist, Centrul Independent de Jurnalism
Vitalie Ciobanu, analist politic, revista Contrafort.

Asociatia Ziaristilor Independenti din Romania
Strada Maior Vasile 5 Bloc 3 Ap. 25
tel. 004016552790


The Romanian Association of Independent Journalists, Romanian Cultural Institute (The Division for the Romanians Abroad), together with the Office Free Europe and the Centre for Free Journalism from
Chisinau, will organize on Saturday, April 28th, 2007, at 12.00, in the City Library Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, Central Office, situated on the Boul.Stefan cel Mare nr.148, Chsinau, a meeting-debate between the journalists from Bucharest and Chisinau, on the occasion of the International Day of the Freedom of Press.

It will be presented the book Week state, uncertain citizenship. Studies about the Republic of Moldova, coord.Monica Hointz, published by the Publishing House “Curtea Veche”. There will be donated ollections of Romanian books from some publishing houses and private persons to culture institutions from Chisinau.

There will take part:

Teodora Stanciu – head of the Romanian Association of Independent Journalists (AZIR), editor of Radio Romania – Cultural.
Doina Jela, writer, editor, secretary AZIR (member in the Executive Committee AEJ).
Florin Esanu, photo reporter Romania libera, member in the Executive Committee AZIR.
Vasile Botnaru, head of the office free Europe from the Republic of Moldova
Nicolae Negru, editor, Independent Centre for Journalism
Vitalie Ciobanu, political analyst, Contrafort magasine.

Romanian Association of Free Journalists
Maior Vasile str. Nr. 5, bloc 3 Ap. 25
tel. 004016552790


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