Am recuperat filmul altui protest suprimat

Cel care a stricat filmul sau a executat ordinul...Imaginile distorsionate de mai jos au fost facute pe 25 februarie 2006, cind se implinea primul cincinal de guvernare comunista. Initial aratau perfect, dar ne-au fost distruse de politistii de la Comisariatul Buiucani din Chisinau. Acum Alexei Grosu care s-a ocupat de operatie are functie mai mare, e la Comisariatul General de Politie. Brava!
Am vrut atunci sa pichetam presedintia si parlamentul de la Chisinau ca sa reclamam fraudarea votului popular la Eurovizion (cind a fost trimis un favorit al lui Voronin si s-au dat putine voturi Romaniei). Evident, pretextul nostru nu a convins primaria si ne-a interzis actiunea. Am atacat decizia ilegala in instanta dar justitia tragea de timp…Imagine din film, click aici!

Am iesit totusi in strada cu ceva lume din Hyde Park. Imediat ne-a abordat politia cu somatii si sfaturi…
Am inceput sa lipim pe noi lozinci abia vizibile din strada, dar asta i-a deranjat foarte mult. Ne-au inconjurat repede si pe mine m-au luat pe sus cu tot cu camera, ceilalti au fost imprastiati. Oamenii s-au adunat din nou la monumentul lui ªtefan cel Mare, apoi au mers gramada pe la redactii cu politistii in civil pe urma lor.
Presa n-a relatat nimic despre asta. Iar mie politia mi-a deteriorat filmul, innainte sa ma duca la judecata. Partea in care ne inconjoara si ma baga in masina au sters-o de tot, restul e compromis printr-o metoda numai de specialistii lor cunoscuta… Politistul Alexei Grosu
Io abia acum am reusit sa copiez imaginile pe computer, pina acum nu puteam tehnic sa fac asta.
in prima sau a doua instanta am fost achitat, dar abuzul celor cu epoleti a ramas nepedepsit. ªi mi se pare ca e unul grav…

Reportaj proaspat de la evenimentul ignorat de presa


15 răspunsuri la “Am recuperat filmul altui protest suprimat”

  1. Pentru dl.Alexandru, batranul de 70 ani, si d-na de alaturi nici nu stiu ce sa comentez.
    Mai bune lectii ca astea, pentru ceilalti care le ploua prin constiinta, nu sunt.


    asa militie criminala in Canada era total dizolvata,iar ei criminali,deveneau gunoeri,nimic altu !


    ei nu inteleg ca pot fi trasi la raspunderi,ori daca mor ,si din morminte pot fi scosi,aratati lumii intregi!

    ei nu inteleg ca’si lasa si copii lor responsabili de ceau facut acestia criminali acum,si fac !

    ei nu inteleg ca si victemele lor,au copii care au sa devina si ei procurori,judecatori,ministrii si chear presedinti !!

    Asta este tara ??? nu poate fi !

    Moldova este un IAD ! o planeta unde criminali isi fac de cap ! nau sa traeasca ei mult,si daca fura si corup ca’n codru,crima si furtu ,nici odata nui legitim !

    Nazistii ,si acum sunt vanati si deportati ,condamnati ,intemnitati,asa vo fi si acestia criminali si fii lor !!

    curaj oameni,faceti o revolutie,ca o sai vedeti cum or face pe ei atunci !!

  3. Politistul din imagine, de altfel, e supersexy, nu-i asa? Ai impresia ca e un film american despre militarii rezonabili care salveaza tara cat ai clipi din ochi. ªi, culmea, le reuseste!!!

  4. To:
    From: „Ionas Aurelian Rus” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 08:44:45 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: [UTF] Moldova: How electoral fraud was committed by the Communists in 2005

    The technique was to both give old people the new identity documents and to allow them to keep their old Soviet identity cards and to give them a chance to vote twice or even more times, of course, for the Communists. See the electoral results at http://www.election results/ and the exit poll numbers at http://www.election exitpolls/ . Also see the monitoring reports of the Maidan International Election Observation Group that appear below, and which are available at http://www.brama. com/news/ press/2005/ 03/050307moldova _electionviolati ons.html and http://maidan. us/legacy/ . Also see http://www.azi. md/print/ 44547/En . „The EOM remarked that according to the Ministry of Information Development, out of 2,447,715 citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, 453,500 citizens (including those residing in Transnistria) hold either old Soviet Union passports or temporary IDs (the so-called „Form 9″) instead of Moldovan identity cards. This figure includes mostly pensioners and people who refuse current IDs on religious grounds, the latter of which also do not have a national personal identification number. In reconsideration, the CEC has informed the OSCE/ODIHR EOM that it now intends to carry out a limited electronic voter list pilot project. On election day, voters in four polling stations in Chisinau will be marked on the centralized online electronic voter list as having voted to eliminate the possibility of multiple voting.” So the OSCE has caught on to the Communist trick. It already knew it in 2005, but, for geopolitical reasons (the supposedly pro-Western line of Voronin) it called those who were making this public „crackpots”. Now it will do exactly what the „crackpots” suggested in 2005. Voronin, who is bent on federalizing Moldova in a pro-Russian deal, has lost the geopolitically- based favor of the West. What else will he lose? Stay tuned.

    All the best,


    http://www.election results/total/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 / Results /
    Total results in parliamentary elections of 6 March, 2005
    Number of voters included in the voter rolls 2,270,668
    Number of voters included in supplementary lists 159,869
    Number of voters who received ballots 1,576,203
    Number of voters who took part in elections 1,576,079
    Number of invalid ballots 18,251
    Total number of valid votes cast 1,557,828

    Votes garnered and mandates received
    Electoral contestants Votes % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 716,336 45.98% 56
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 141,341 9.07% 11
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 444,377 28.53% 34
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 45,551 2.92% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 77,490 4.97% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate) 3,145 0.2% 0
    Republican Socio-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” (RSPMR) 44,129 2.83% 0
    Centrist Union of Moldova (CUM) 11,702 0.75% 0
    Busmachiu Alexandru (independent candidate) 747 0.05% 0
    Labor Union “Patria-Rodina” (LUPR) 14,399 0.92% 0
    Laguta Maia (independent candidate) 1,011 0.06% 0
    Matei Stefan (independent candidate) 1,934 0.12% 0
    Peasants’ Christian Democratic Party of Moldova (PCDPM) 21,365 1.37% 0
    Ivantoc Andrei (independent candidate) 1,678 0.11% 0
    Arsenii Alexandru (independent candidate) 572 0.04% 0
    Busuioc Alexei (independent candidate) 983 0.06% 0
    Tataru Tudor (independent candidate) 2,273 0.15% 0
    Ghelici Fiodor (independent candidate) 1,102 0.07% 0
    Slivinschi Victor (independent candidate) 495 0.03% 0
    Soloviov Anatolii (independent candidate) 452 0.03% 0
    Republican Party of Moldova (RPM) 592 0.04% 0
    Tiron Mircea (independent candidate) 284 0.02% 0
    Party of the Socio-Economic Justice of Moldova (PSEJM) 25,870 1.66% 0

    List of deputies
    List of deputies elected in the 6 March, 2005 parliamentary elections […]

    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA on 220 polling stations […]

    back to top

    Copyright © 2005 Association for Participatory Democracy “ADEPT”
    Tel/Fax: (373 22) 21-34-94, e-mail: adept@e-democracy. md
    Reproduction of the materials is welcomed provided the source (www.elections2005. md) is indicated

    Site created by NeoNet

    http://www.election exitpolls/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 /
    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA with the financial support of Soros-Moldova Foundation, IPP, PRO TV, NIT, OSCE, Alliance Francaise, and Jolly Alon on 220 polling stations
    Marked in bold are electoral contestants who passed the threshold of representation (3% for independent candidates, 6% for political parties, 9% for a bloc of two parties, and 12% for a bloc of more than three parties).
    Data indicated in the “mandates” column are calculated according to D’Hondt formula.
    Electoral contestants % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 40% 49
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 14% 17
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 29% 35
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 5% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 4% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate) POLITICS > NEWS
    http://www.azi. md/news?ID= 44547
    May 29 2007

    OSCE/ODIHR mission reveals numerous instances of pressure on election candidates
    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Election Observation Mission Election Observation Mission (EOM) has been receiving an increasing number of substantiated allegations of pressure and intimidation of candidates, mainly in the regions.
    „Credible reports have been received and verified that implicate central and local authorities, as well as some members of the governing party, in putting pressure on registered candidates to withdraw”, the Mission wrote in its Interim Report No. 2 covering the period of May 8-21, 2007.
    The OSCE/ODIHR EOM admitted that despite numerous alleged election-related violations and irregularities, the number of complaints that have been formally filed with the election administration and courts is somewhat lower. Over fifty complaints have been received by the CEC thus far.
    Media COVERAGE OF the campaign in the news has been affected by a restrictive legal provision, which is widely interpreted as prohibiting the coverage of campaign activities outside the debates and paid airtime. The activities of State officials outside the campaign context have received extensive coverage, particularly on publicly-funded Moldova 1. Some private broadcasters have adopted a similar pattern in their news coverage, while others have been more balanced and at times more critical.
    The EOM remarked that according to the Ministry of Information Development, out of 2,447,715 citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, 453,500 citizens (including those residing in Transnistria) hold either old Soviet Union passports or temporary IDs (the so-called „Form 9”) instead of Moldovan identity cards. This figure includes mostly pensioners and people who refuse current IDs on religious grounds, the latter of which also do not have a national personal identification number.
    In reconsideration, the CEC has informed the OSCE/ODIHR EOM that it now intends to carry out a limited electronic voter list pilot project. On election day, voters in four polling stations in Chisinau will be marked on the centralized online electronic voter list as having voted to eliminate the possibility of multiple voting.
    During the reporting period, the OSCE/ODIHR EOM continued its regular activities, meeting with state officials, diplomatic missions, party representatives, candidates, the election administration, court officials, media representatives and representatives of civil society. A briefing was arranged for the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Göran Lennmarker, during his recent visit to Moldova.


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  5. To:
    From: „Ionas Aurelian Rus” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 08:44:45 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: [UTF] Moldova: How electoral fraud was committed by the Communists in 2005

    The technique was to both give old people the new identity documents and to allow them to keep their old Soviet identity cards and to give them a chance to vote twice or even more times, of course, for the Communists. See the electoral results at http://www.election results/ and the exit poll numbers at http://www.election exitpolls/ . Also see the monitoring reports of the Maidan International Election Observation Group that appear below, and which are available at http://www.brama. com/news/ press/2005/ 03/050307moldova _electionviolati ons.html and http://maidan. us/legacy/ . Also see http://www.azi. md/print/ 44547/En . „The EOM remarked that according to the Ministry of Information Development, out of 2,447,715 citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, 453,500 citizens (including those residing in Transnistria) hold either old Soviet Union passports or temporary IDs (the so-called „Form 9″) instead of Moldovan identity cards. This figure includes mostly pensioners and people who refuse current IDs on religious grounds, the latter of which also do not have a national personal identification number. In reconsideration, the CEC has informed the OSCE/ODIHR EOM that it now intends to carry out a limited electronic voter list pilot project. On election day, voters in four polling stations in Chisinau will be marked on the centralized online electronic voter list as having voted to eliminate the possibility of multiple voting.” So the OSCE has caught on to the Communist trick. It already knew it in 2005, but, for geopolitical reasons (the supposedly pro-Western line of Voronin) it called those who were making this public „crackpots”. Now it will do exactly what the „crackpots” suggested in 2005. Voronin, who is bent on federalizing Moldova in a pro-Russian deal, has lost the geopolitically- based favor of the West. What else will he lose? Stay tuned.

    All the best,


    http://www.election results/total/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 / Results /
    Total results in parliamentary elections of 6 March, 2005
    Number of voters included in the voter rolls 2,270,668
    Number of voters included in supplementary lists 159,869
    Number of voters who received ballots 1,576,203
    Number of voters who took part in elections 1,576,079
    Number of invalid ballots 18,251
    Total number of valid votes cast 1,557,828

    Votes garnered and mandates received
    Electoral contestants Votes % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 716,336 45.98% 56
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 141,341 9.07% 11
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 444,377 28.53% 34
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 45,551 2.92% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 77,490 4.97% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate) 3,145 0.2% 0
    Republican Socio-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” (RSPMR) 44,129 2.83% 0
    Centrist Union of Moldova (CUM) 11,702 0.75% 0
    Busmachiu Alexandru (independent candidate) 747 0.05% 0
    Labor Union “Patria-Rodina” (LUPR) 14,399 0.92% 0
    Laguta Maia (independent candidate) 1,011 0.06% 0
    Matei Stefan (independent candidate) 1,934 0.12% 0
    Peasants’ Christian Democratic Party of Moldova (PCDPM) 21,365 1.37% 0
    Ivantoc Andrei (independent candidate) 1,678 0.11% 0
    Arsenii Alexandru (independent candidate) 572 0.04% 0
    Busuioc Alexei (independent candidate) 983 0.06% 0
    Tataru Tudor (independent candidate) 2,273 0.15% 0
    Ghelici Fiodor (independent candidate) 1,102 0.07% 0
    Slivinschi Victor (independent candidate) 495 0.03% 0
    Soloviov Anatolii (independent candidate) 452 0.03% 0
    Republican Party of Moldova (RPM) 592 0.04% 0
    Tiron Mircea (independent candidate) 284 0.02% 0
    Party of the Socio-Economic Justice of Moldova (PSEJM) 25,870 1.66% 0

    List of deputies
    List of deputies elected in the 6 March, 2005 parliamentary elections […]

    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA on 220 polling stations […]

    back to top

    Copyright © 2005 Association for Participatory Democracy “ADEPT”
    Tel/Fax: (373 22) 21-34-94, e-mail: adept@e-democracy. md
    Reproduction of the materials is welcomed provided the source (www.elections2005. md) is indicated

    Site created by NeoNet

    http://www.election exitpolls/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 /
    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA with the financial support of Soros-Moldova Foundation, IPP, PRO TV, NIT, OSCE, Alliance Francaise, and Jolly Alon on 220 polling stations
    Marked in bold are electoral contestants who passed the threshold of representation (3% for independent candidates, 6% for political parties, 9% for a bloc of two parties, and 12% for a bloc of more than three parties).
    Data indicated in the “mandates” column are calculated according to D’Hondt formula.
    Electoral contestants % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 40% 49
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 14% 17
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 29% 35
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 5% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 4% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate)

  6. To:
    From: „Ionas Aurelian Rus” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 08:44:45 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: [UTF] Moldova: How electoral fraud was committed by the Communists in 2005

    The technique was to both give old people the new identity documents and to allow them to keep their old Soviet identity cards and to give them a chance to vote twice or even more times, of course, for the Communists. See the electoral results at http://www.election results/ and the exit poll numbers at http://www.election exitpolls/ . Also see the monitoring reports of the Maidan International Election Observation Group that appear below, and which are available at http://www.brama. com/news/ press/2005/ 03/050307moldova _electionviolati ons.html and http://maidan. us/legacy/ . Also see http://www.azi. md/print/ 44547/En . „The EOM remarked that according to the Ministry of Information Development, out of 2,447,715 citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, 453,500 citizens (including those residing in Transnistria) hold either old Soviet Union passports or temporary IDs (the so-called „Form 9″) instead of Moldovan identity cards. This figure includes mostly pensioners and people who refuse current IDs on religious grounds, the latter of which also do not have a national personal identification number. In reconsideration, the CEC has informed the OSCE/ODIHR EOM that it now intends to carry out a limited electronic voter list pilot project. On election day, voters in four polling stations in Chisinau will be marked on the centralized online electronic voter list as having voted to eliminate the possibility of multiple voting.” So the OSCE has caught on to the Communist trick. It already knew it in 2005, but, for geopolitical reasons (the supposedly pro-Western line of Voronin) it called those who were making this public „crackpots”. Now it will do exactly what the „crackpots” suggested in 2005. Voronin, who is bent on federalizing Moldova in a pro-Russian deal, has lost the geopolitically- based favor of the West. What else will he lose? Stay tuned.

    All the best,


    http://www.election results/total/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 / Results /
    Total results in parliamentary elections of 6 March, 2005
    Number of voters included in the voter rolls 2,270,668
    Number of voters included in supplementary lists 159,869
    Number of voters who received ballots 1,576,203
    Number of voters who took part in elections 1,576,079
    Number of invalid ballots 18,251
    Total number of valid votes cast 1,557,828

    Votes garnered and mandates received
    Electoral contestants Votes % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 716,336 45.98% 56
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 141,341 9.07% 11
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 444,377 28.53% 34
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 45,551 2.92% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 77,490 4.97% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate) 3,145 0.2% 0
    Republican Socio-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” (RSPMR) 44,129 2.83% 0
    Centrist Union of Moldova (CUM) 11,702 0.75% 0
    Busmachiu Alexandru (independent candidate) 747 0.05% 0
    Labor Union “Patria-Rodina” (LUPR) 14,399 0.92% 0
    Laguta Maia (independent candidate) 1,011 0.06% 0
    Matei Stefan (independent candidate) 1,934 0.12% 0
    Peasants’ Christian Democratic Party of Moldova (PCDPM) 21,365 1.37% 0
    Ivantoc Andrei (independent candidate) 1,678 0.11% 0
    Arsenii Alexandru (independent candidate) 572 0.04% 0
    Busuioc Alexei (independent candidate) 983 0.06% 0
    Tataru Tudor (independent candidate) 2,273 0.15% 0
    Ghelici Fiodor (independent candidate) 1,102 0.07% 0
    Slivinschi Victor (independent candidate) 495 0.03% 0
    Soloviov Anatolii (independent candidate) 452 0.03% 0
    Republican Party of Moldova (RPM) 592 0.04% 0
    Tiron Mircea (independent candidate) 284 0.02% 0
    Party of the Socio-Economic Justice of Moldova (PSEJM) 25,870 1.66% 0

    List of deputies
    List of deputies elected in the 6 March, 2005 parliamentary elections […]

    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA on 220 polling stations […]

    back to top

    Copyright © 2005 Association for Participatory Democracy “ADEPT”
    Tel/Fax: (373 22) 21-34-94, e-mail: adept@e-democracy. md
    Reproduction of the materials is welcomed provided the source (www.elections2005. md) is indicated

    Site created by NeoNet

    http://www.election exitpolls/

    Local Elections 2003 | Political Parties | Commentaries | E-journal | ADEPT
    e-democracy. md

    in romana | по-русски | in english
    Elections / Parliamentary / 2005 /
    Exit Poll Results
    Carried out by IPP, IMAS-INC, CIVIS, CBS-AXA with the financial support of Soros-Moldova Foundation, IPP, PRO TV, NIT, OSCE, Alliance Francaise, and Jolly Alon on 220 polling stations
    Marked in bold are electoral contestants who passed the threshold of representation (3% for independent candidates, 6% for political parties, 9% for a bloc of two parties, and 12% for a bloc of more than three parties).
    Data indicated in the “mandates” column are calculated according to D’Hondt formula.
    Electoral contestants % Mandates
    Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) 40% 49
    Christian Democratic Peoples Party (CDPP) 14% 17
    Electoral Bloc “Moldova Democrata” (BMD) 29% 35
    Social Democratic Party of Moldova (SDPM) 5% 0
    Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina” (EBPR) 4% 0
    Kirillov Silvia (independent candidate) POLITICS > NEWS
    http://www.azi. md/news?ID= 44547
    May 29 2007

    OSCE/ODIHR mission reveals numerous instances of pressure on election candidates
    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Election Observation Mission Election Observation Mission (EOM) has been receiving an increasing number of substantiated allegations of pressure and intimidation of candidates, mainly in the regions.
    „Credible reports have been received and verified that implicate central and local authorities, as well as some members of the governing party, in putting pressure on registered candidates to withdraw”, the Mission wrote in its Interim Report No. 2 covering the period of May 8-21, 2007.
    The OSCE/ODIHR EOM admitted that despite numerous alleged election-related violations and irregularities, the number of complaints that have been formally filed with the election administration and courts is somewhat lower. Over fifty complaints have been received by the CEC thus far.
    Media COVERAGE OF the campaign in the news has been affected by a restrictive legal provision, which is widely interpreted as prohibiting the coverage of campaign activities outside the debates and paid airtime. The activities of State officials outside the campaign context have received extensive coverage, particularly on publicly-funded Moldova 1. Some private broadcasters have adopted a similar pattern in their news coverage, while others have been more balanced and at times more critical.
    The EOM remarked that according to the Ministry of Information Development, out of 2,447,715 citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming elections, 453,500 citizens (including those residing in Transnistria) hold either old Soviet Union passports or temporary IDs (the so-called „Form 9”) instead of Moldovan identity cards. This figure includes mostly pensioners and people who refuse current IDs on religious grounds, the latter of which also do not have a national personal identification number.
    In reconsideration, the CEC has informed the OSCE/ODIHR EOM that it now intends to carry out a limited electronic voter list pilot project. On election day, voters in four polling stations in Chisinau will be marked on the centralized online electronic voter list as having voted to eliminate the possibility of multiple voting.
    During the reporting period, the OSCE/ODIHR EOM continued its regular activities, meeting with state officials, diplomatic missions, party representatives, candidates, the election administration, court officials, media representatives and representatives of civil society. A briefing was arranged for the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Göran Lennmarker, during his recent visit to Moldova.


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  7. Republican Socio-Political Movement “Ravnopravie” (RSPMR) 3% 0
    Centrist Union of Moldova (CUM)

  8. Ajutooooor !
    Care-i faza ? Ce comun are comentarii post 5-10 cu articolul dat ? 🙁

    Multumesc anticipat.

  9. Bravo Aurelian ! You just show who’s this mother fuckers ! That’s how this mother fuckers worked !

    On a stalin style !

    voronin,smirnov must be send to death,they split moldova ,they contol the banks,the people rghts, they destroyed the population on a crminal ,dictatorial way !

    This mother fuckers are not elected freely by the people,they no longer represent the peoples voices,peoples needs,peoples language,peoples culture on Romania soil , they represent the Russians,invadators,killers,terorrists ! They must be stoped,and stoped now !

    This mother fuckers are not only starving the people,violating peoples rghts,but violating the 1990 constitution against peoples wills; arresting democratic romanian leaders,romanian media,etc !

  10. Nu am gasit nicaieri altundeva in un loc mai potrivit ca sa plasez ce am scris. Daca ar fi fost, l-asi fi pus acolo.

    Toate cele bune,


  11. Multumesc. Ionel, am bagat comentariul tau in UTF, Ukraine Today Forum, si ai fost invitat sa devii membru de moderator Miron Krizhan-Iwskij, si sa participi, natural, fara cuvinte ca f- -k, care nu trebuiesc folosite acolo. E-mail-ul meu este ; sa comunicam despre asta. Am bagat textul meu original si in diverse forumuri romanesti. Voi baga si raspunsul tau. Poate vei fi invitat sa participi si acolo.

    Toate cele bune,


    From: „emenkay4u” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
    Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:28:03 -0000
    Subject: Re: Fwd: [UTF] Moldova: OSCE/ODIHR mission reveals numerous instances of pressure on election candidates
    A stronger support than that displayed by Ionel Timis one could
    hardly conjure. Maybe, Ionel could be talked into visiting the UTF
    provided he wouldn’t mind cleaning up his lingo?


    — In UTF@yahoogroups. com, Ionas Aurelian Rus
    > Granted that Ionel Timis’ writing style might not please
    some people, he nevertheless wrote it in English as a reaction to
    what I posted in UTF. He is a Romanian-Canadian.
    > All the best,
    > Ionas Aurelian Rus
    > http://www.curaj. net/?p=2385
    > Bravo Aurelian ! You just show who’s this mother fuckers ! That’s
    how this mother fuckers worked !
    > On a stalin style !
    > voronin,smirnov must be send to death,they split moldova ,they
    contol the banks,the people rghts, they destroyed the population on a
    crminal ,dictatorial way !
    > This mother fuckers are not elected freely by the people,they no
    longer represent the peoples voices,peoples needs,peoples
    language,peoples culture on Romania soil , they represent the
    Russians,invadators ,killers, terorrists ! They must be stoped,and
    stoped now !
    > This mother fuckers are not only starving the people,violating
    peoples rghts,but violating the 1990 constitution against peoples
    wills; arresting democratic romanian leaders,romanian media,etc !
    > A spus ionel timis montreal canada — 1/6/2007 @ 5:38 am

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  12. Multumesc. Ionel, am bagat comentariul tau in UTF, Ukraine Today Forum, si ai fost invitat sa devii membru de moderator Miron Krizhan-Iwskij, si sa participi, natural, fara cuvinte ca f- -k, care nu trebuiesc folosite acolo. E-mail-ul meu este ; sa comunicam despre asta. Am bagat textul meu original si in diverse forumuri romanesti. Voi baga si raspunsul tau. Poate vei fi invitat sa participi si acolo.

    Toate cele bune,


    From: „emenkay4u” Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
    Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
    Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:28:03 -0000
    Subject: Re: Fwd: [UTF] Moldova: OSCE/ODIHR mission reveals numerous instances of pressure on election candidates
    A stronger support than that displayed by Ionel Timis one could
    hardly conjure. Maybe, Ionel could be talked into visiting the UTF
    provided he wouldn’t mind cleaning up his lingo?


    — In UTF@yahoogroups. com, Ionas Aurelian Rus
    > Granted that Ionel Timis’ writing style might not please
    some people, he nevertheless wrote it in English as a reaction to
    what I posted in UTF. He is a Romanian-Canadian.
    > All the best,
    > Ionas Aurelian Rus
    > http://www.curaj. net/?p=2385
    > Bravo Aurelian ! You just show who’s this mother fuckers ! That’s
    how this mother fuckers worked !
    > On a stalin style !
    > voronin,smirnov must be send to death,they split moldova ,they
    contol the banks,the people rghts, they destroyed the population on a
    crminal ,dictatorial way !
    > This mother fuckers are not elected freely by the people,they no
    longer represent the peoples voices,peoples needs,peoples
    language,peoples culture on Romania soil , they represent the
    Russians,invadators ,killers, terorrists ! They must be stoped,and
    stoped now !
    > This mother fuckers are not only starving the people,violating
    peoples rghts,but violating the 1990 constitution against peoples
    wills; arresting democratic romanian leaders,romanian media,etc !
    > A spus ionel timis montreal canada — 1/6/2007 @ 5:38 am

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