Imagini de la ultimul protest – cerem legea lustratiei!

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8 răspunsuri la “Imagini de la ultimul protest – cerem legea lustratiei!”

  1. Ultimul protest Hyde Park in Moldova
    Pe 28 septembrie, de ziua internationala a dreptului de a sti, Hyde Park va invita la ultima actiune stradala autorizata pentru a cere autoritatilor elaborarea unei legi a lustratiei, care sa interzica accederea la functii importante in stat celor care au urmarit si persecutat oameni nevinovati.
    Pentru asta vom cere:
    – acces la arhivele KGB – ca sa stim cine a interceptat telefoane, scrisori, cine a interzis carti, autori, idei;
    – deetatizarea si liberalizarea presei, libertate de exprimare si acces liber la informatiile de interes public;
    – transmisiunea in direct a sedintelor de Parlament, Guvern, Consiliu municipal

    detalii pe
    Ne intalnim pe 28.09.2007, ora 7.00, in Piata Marii Adunari Nationale si vom picheta timp de trei ore succesiv: Guvernul, Parlamentul, Presedintia si Serviciul de Informatii si Securitate.
    Conferinta de presa va avea loc sub cerul liber, in finalul actiunii de protest – ora 9.45 – in fata sediului Serviciului de Informatii si Securitate.

  2. Ei,daca veneai si tu,Lia,se cunostea…Ati fi fost cu 10 % mai multi…

  3. oare cand o sa vedem un protest cu mai mult de 5-6 oameni??????????

  4. imi opare rau ca nu am ajuns shi eu la manifestatie da sa shtiti ca ma mindresc cu voi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mi se pare ca cei ce sunt la putere sunt foarte cointeresati da a nu permite acest acces.

  6. reportaj depistat la peste un an de la ultimul protest oficial HP –


    On September 28 NGO Hyde Park organized the last protest in Republic of Moldova, in frame of which set out Government, President’s office, Parliament, Service for Information and Security and asked the urgent elaboration of the lustration law. For UNIMEDIA, Ghenadie Brega, president of Hyde Park declared, „We declare ourselves defeated by the State”.

    Until June 2007 we confronted with lot of problems regarding the authorization of our protest actions against Chisinau Mayor’s Office. After elections, we organized already authorized protest actions. But at each protest the police arrest the organizers. We are in a situation that we can not tolerate.

    „The society has no idea who rules our country. Lustration Law would prohibit the placement in high position of State of persons, which chase and persecute innocent persons. Through this will be improved the quality of governance, and political class will have more profits.

    When Ghenadie Brega was asked what would do in the future, he answered, „I don’t know. Maybe we will ask for political asylum in China, Korea or another country.

    We remind that media organizations capture periodically the attention of public opinion regarding the limits of expression liberty in Republic of Moldova, which is compromised by the tendency of governors to control and to use mass-media as a tool in fight with opposition.

    Source: UNIMEDIA

    Translated by: Mariana Birsan

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