Hyde Park protests in Warsaw

Oleg Brega, self portrait, click here to see the picture largerNow, first action is finished! *See some video impressions here*
I can say it was a success at least because nobody stopped my demo like it could be in Belarusi, Russia or it happens in my native state – Rep. of Moldova.
There were 2 police cars in front of Russian Embassy, some of them waiting outside. We talked shortly in Russian, easier to understand for them, because nobody answered to my greeting in English.
I put my poster with the message: STOP VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS IN RUSSIA!, and began to whistle.
The policemen were smiling and even laughing at the beginning, may be because I was alone or a little embarrassed because my late sad experiences with Moldovan policemen.
After 10 minutes something reminded me the behavior of home police: a young one came to me and asked in English for my passport, without introducing himself or explaining why. Anyway, I gave him my blue pass and continued to show my banner and whistle. He said they will bring it back in three minutes, but it last exactly 30… minutes. It was a psychological pressure on me, because they were examining it for long time, then came another police-car, brought some papers. Left, but there came another, little one, with a boss may be.
Finally, the young policeman gave me back the passport and answered something in Polish when I joke about those two minutes which last 15 times more.
At 5 PM I finished my demo, took some pictures with the Embassy building, with police cars, police men, nobody said a word. I Moldova I could be arrested for this and judged. May be not punished at the end.
Nobody stopped in an hour to ask me details about the protest, but almost all the drivers in cars or busy on that street were interested to see my banner and the message on it. My famous whistle was an exotic and sure promoter, but somebody said after that I better wrote a message in Russian. Who knows?
Even I wrote yesterday a dozen of messages by email no press was interested in this protest. I saw in the final a car of state polish television, but they may be are busy now with the elections. That’s’ it.
Next protest is Wednesday, October the 10th, in front of Moldovan Embassy, Iemelinska str., nr. 1.


belwederska,49 oleg brega/hyde park Sunday, 7th of October in front of Russian embassy in Warsawa (49, Belwederska st), starting 16.00 will take place a protest against human rights violation in Russian Federation.
This action is intiated by Hyde Park Association, based in Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova which has for some days a representative in Poland.
Oleg Brega can be contacted in English, Russian, French or Romanian – his native language – by email, Yahoo! messenger (ID=olegbrega) or by phone: +48 880 232 245.
Warsawa city-hall was informed about an hour of protest.
Also there will be two other demos in front of Moldovan and Romanian embassies next days (10th
and 12th of October), begining again 4 PM.
Versiunea în română e aici

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23 de răspunsuri la “Hyde Park protests in Warsaw”

  1. Felicitari, domnule O. Brega!

    Subiectul trebuie tzinut cald!
    As scrie si eu mai multe in favoarea acestui subiect, lucruri interesante, dar momentan fanaticii „religiosi” ma tzin legat de subiectul lor anti-gay la care ma fortzeaza sa raspund tot timpul!

    Dar poate ca nu e rau nici asa: modernizarile trebuie sa vina in toate domeniile!

    Oricum sunt de partea dvs!

  2. Am avut dreptate Anton in legatura cu tine,ca la tine interesul sculei e mai presus decat restul :mrgreen:

  3. Alex, imi e rusine ca esti tizul meu. Te-as vedea eu pe tine daca ai fi nevoit sa-ti cersesti drepturile elementare, probabil nici pe departe nu te-ai mai bate cu pumnul in piept ca esti roman, si inca nu unul obisnuit, ci verde, mai catolic decat Papa.

  4. Alexa, atata timp cat vom avea deprinderea sa atacam persoana si nu ideea, atata timp, o sa ne fie rushine de noi… Si atata timp nimic bun si adevarat nu se va naste din societatea in care traim….

    …Mi-e sila de impertinenta care domina in „dezbaterile” publice de la noi…


  5. Chiril, cred ca ai adaugat din greseala un a la numele persoanei careia i se potriveste mesajul tau.
    Nu uita ca a fi jignit in mod permanent este una si a jigni in mod permanent este alta.

  6. Alex: ar fi sub demnitatea mea sa las indivizi ca tine sa ma calce si pe mine si pe altii in picioare tot timpul si sa nu raspund sub pretextul ca problemele tale sunt mai importante. Ar fi, desigur, un act de lasitate din partea mea. Si sa stii ca daca as constata ca majoritatea basarabenilor judeca la fel ca tine, as fi primul care as vota contra oricarei uniri cu nataraii si asupritorii mei si ai altora ca mine!

  7. Chiril, ma surprinde postarea ta!

    Daca cineva te-ar face zi si noapte „homalau” pe tine, cum te-ai simti? Dar „homalau” este jigniorea cea mai mica pe care mi-o adreseaza tot timpul iubitul tau Alex! Asta e reactia ta, sa te legi de cei care il critica pe Alex? Nu te inteleg!

  8. Tot pentru dl Chiril: poate ca daca ati fi cunoscut termenii in care Alex jigneste oamenii, i-ati fi adresat mustrarea lui, iar nu …drei Alexa!
    Va citez un citat din …Alex:

    „Bai homalau borat,mai ai bai boulesa ma pomenesti pe mine,sa ma dai exemplu in scrierile tale pline de voma?”

    Oricat ar fi „gresit” Alexa, nu cred ca se compara nimic cu duioasele postari ale preferatului dvs, Alex…
    Nu credeti?

  9. Bai Oleg ce dracu te crezi Che Guevara? Iti dai cam prea multa importanta, bossi de politie care te urmaresc, cateva masini de politie si o conspiratie impotriva ta, deja devii patetic 😉

  10. Clipul asta de la com.5 ar trebui sa-l arate si astia de la Euronews la rubrica No comment…Sa mori de ras,parca ar protesta in fata la o casa de nebuni,nu se vede nici tu drapel rusesc,nici o inscriptie,ceva de genul asta.De unde sa stim ca-i in fata ambasadei rusesti ❓

  11. mda intradevar d-le Brega cam exagerezi cum manifestatiile tale,relax…take it easy !

  12. Buna Oleg, legat de emisiunea aia ai cumva un nr de telefon al domnului Vlad Durnea, este Presedintele Ligii Basarabene din Bucuresti sau Romania, nu stiu exact. Poate poti sa ma ajuti.
    Totodata ma adresez studentilor din Bucuresti care vor sa participe la aceasta emisiune, doar persoanele care stau in camin. Sa-mi scrie pe adresa de e-mail: iuliana_potolinschi@yahoo.

  13. Nu cunosc pe Vlad Durnea, poate Ghenadie…
    intr-adevar, la ambasada Rusiei nu se vede din strada nici drapelul, nici inscriptia. E o cladire uriasa, mai innalta decit ministerul apararii lesesc din preajma, chiar vedeam pe fetele trecatorilor nedumerirea.
    Politie intr-adevar era prea multa pentru o astfel de actiune si consider pe buna dreptate (dar asta e dreptul meu de a gresi, a exagera, nu uita ca sunt mai mult artist decit jurnalist) ca a fost o presiune psihologica poate involuntara, faptul ca erau atit de multi, ca rideau mereu la adresa mea, ca mi-au tinut jumatate de ora pasaportul si l-au rasfoit ca in poezia aia a lui Maiakovski 😉

  14. Ambasadele Rusiei se cunosc oricum dupa …accent :LOL:

    Sunt balsoai9e si au pretentii imperiale.

  15. Nu mi-a iesit emoticonul. Recunosc ca Nu sunt expert in asa ceva:)

  16. de ce n-ar face moldovenii de peste hotare proteste la ambasadele si consulatele de acolo?

  17. de ce n-ar face moldovenii de peste hotare proteste la ambasadele si consulatele de acolo?

    Cine, cine ? (^..^) 😉

  18. ANTON, merci pentru reactie…

    1. ALex nu este iubitul meu.
    2. Postarea mea i-am adresat-o Alexei, intr-un fel sustinindu-i mesajul imediat precedent in care ea a ripostat la atacul lui Alex. Deci sensul mesajului era adresat direct lui Alex. Acum imi dau seama ca de fapt a parut exact invers. E o deficienta a comunicarii pe internet : scriem si nu suntem auziti. In cazul dat m’am exprimat ambiguu, recunosc, dar sensul ca atare nu era deloc ambiguu dar direct.
    3. In acelasi timp nu inteleg cum tu, la randul tau o/il aperi pe Alexa, care la http://www.curaj.net/?p=3046 in coment.15, 19 si altele nu a dat deloc dovada de argumente constructive, ba chiar batjocoritoare.
    Astept raspuns.

    PS: lui ANONIM : ce inseamna homofob? Care se teme de oameni? sau care se teme de homosexuali? In orice caz, e adevarat si una si alta in cazul meu : ma tem de oameni rai si ma tem de homosexualii rai.

    ANONIM, va rog, fiti mai explicit, MAI ALES cand va permiteti in PUBLIC sa CATALOGATI sau chiar sa OFENSATI pe altii!

  19. A member of a Moldovan organization protests in front of the foreign diplomatic mission accredited in Warsaw
    DECA-press, 12.10.2007
    Dissatisfied with the closing of protests in Chisinau, the founder of the Association „Hyde Park” from Chisinau, Oleg Brega, protests at the Embassies from Warsaw. On Wednesday, he protested for one hour in front of the Embassy of Republic of Moldova to Poland. Announcing about the regular violations of his rights and of the rights of the association which he represents.

    „The protests have been authorized by the Mayoralty of Warsaw without any difficulty. The policemen didn’t aggress me, they only asked me to show my ID and translate the texts written on posters – „Mi-e frica sa revin acasa!” (I am afraid to come back home!), „Mi-e rusine sa spun de unde vin!” (I am ashamed to tell you where I come from!), „Opriti violarea drepturilor omului!” (Stop the violation of human rights!). In time of the protest at the Embassy of Moldova to Warsaw, the Moldovan consul Adrian Popescu and the councillor Gabriela Moraru asked me to give a declaration referring to the protest”, Oleg Brega said for DECA-press.

    On Sunday, Oleg Brega protested at the Embassy of Russian Federation to Warsaw against the violation of human rights on the territory of the Russian state. „I’ve organized this protest on Vladimir Putin’s birthday because I sympathize Russian citizens, and their influence and army is close to us and this thing worries me”, he said.

    Tomorrow, Oleg Brega intends to protest next to the Embassy of Romania to Poland against the fact he doesn’t receive a visa to go to Romania to studies and against the fact that they do not prolong the validity term of his Romanian passport.

    Oleg Brega has been provided a research scholarship from the part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, due to which he studies in Warsaw the relation between the state and the associative sector.

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