About the training
The training will provide an overview of most important recent developments in the world of new media and provide hands-on training in using several new media platforms. Special attention will be paid to blogs, social networks, citizen journalism as well as mobile technologies.
The training will include significant practical exercises aimed at introducing participants to two most important content management systems used in new media: WordPress and Drupal.The training will be offered in Russian (if everybody in the audience speaks English, it’s possible to do it in English).
Training dates: Jan25 (Friday)-Jan 27(Sunday). Venue will be confirmed later on. Attendance at the training is limited. To register for the training please email Dan Braghis, at dbraghis@gmail.com
Day 1:
14:00-15:30: Introduction to New Media: Overview of blogs, networks, user-generated content
16:00-17:30: Uses of new media: journalism, activism, business
18:00-19.30: Data aggregation and crowdsourcing: case-studies
Day 2:
10:30-12.00: Data presentation and Visualization: case-studies
12:30-13:30: Intro to RSS/rss readers/blog writing software
13.30-14.30: Break
14:30-15:30: Intro to content management systems
16:00-18:00: Overview of WordPress: infrastructure+designing for WP
18.15-19:00: Wrap-up & Questions
Day 3:
10:00-11.30: Intro to Drupal: philosophy, architecture, examples
12.00-13.30: Drupal (continued): installation/basic configuration
13.30-14.30: Break
14.30-15.00: Drupal Modules/Themes: overview
15.30-16.30: Building communities in Drupal
16.30-17.30: Questions and Training Wrap-up
The leading trainer is Evgeny Morozov, Director of New Media at Transitions Online/new media consultant for the Economist
Other Trainers (experts in Drupal and WordPress): Gleb Kanunnikau, Igor Kandyba, Dan Braghis
Трейнинг по Новым Медиа в Кишеневе, 25-27 января, 2008
О трейнинге:
Трейнинг обеспечит краткий обзор самых важных недавних событий в мире новых медиа и обеспечит практическое обучение в использовании нескольких новых их платформ. Особое внимание будет уделено блогам, социальным сетям, гражданской журналистике, а также мобильным технологиям.
Обучение будет включать существенные практические упражнения, целью которых является представление участникам двух самых важных систем управления контентом, используемых в новых медиа ?C WordPress и Drupal. Трейнинг будет проводиться на русском языке (если все в аудитории будут владеть английским, возможно сделать это на английском языке).
Даты трейнинга: 25 января (пятница) ?C 27 января (воскресенье). Место встречи будет подтверждено позже. Количество людей ограничено. Зарегистрироваться на трейнинг можно у Дана Брагиша по электронной почте, dbraghis@gmail.com
День 1:
14:00-15:30: Представление новых медиа: Обзор блогов, социальных сетей, пользовательского контента
16:00-17:30: Использование новых медиа: журнализм, активизм, бизнес
18:00-19.30: Сбор информации и выполнение заданий: социологическое исследование
День 2:
10:30-12.00: Представление данных и визуализация: социологическое исследование
12:30-13:30: Введение в RSS/rss readers/blog writing software
13.30-14.30: Перерыв
14:30-15:30: Введение в системы управления контентом
16:00-18:00: Обзор WordPress: инфраструктура + дизайн для WP
18.15-19:00: Завершение и вопросы
День 3:
10:00-11.30: Введение в Drupal: философия, архитектура, примеры
12.00-13.30: Drupal (продолжение): установка/базовая конфигурация
13.30-14.30: Перерыв
14.30-15.00: Drupal модули/темы: обзор
15.30-16.30: Создание комьюнити на Drupal
16.30-17.30: Вопросы и окончание трейнинга
Главный тренер ?C Евгений Морозов, директор отдела Новых Медиа в Transitions Online, консультант по вопросам новых медиа в The Economist
Другие тренеры (эксперты в Drupal и WordPress): Глеб Канунников, Игорь Кандыба, Дан Брагиш
13 răspunsuri la “New Media Training in Chisinau, Jan 25-27, 2008”
„The training will be offered in Russian (if everybody in the audience speaks English, it’s possible to do it in English).”
Why is it not offered in Romanian since Romanian is the native language of the country?
[…] Here’s another interesting post I read today by pilates […]
Dan Braghis, fiul lui Braghis de la PSD? Hmm..
mi s-a parut f. interesant , dar nici eu nu inteleg, un anunt atit de ademenitor in English,iar training-ul va fi in rusa???chiar e o prostie,ar fi tb sa plasati anuntul in Rusa si atit!!!Imi pare rau ca e o tema f interesanta, daca ar fi in engleza as veni cu siguranta(si inca ceva nu este specificat training contra plata…?sau cel putin as vrea un tel. de contact pt detalii), un anunt tare ciudat….
ERIC,not only they want the training done in the language of invadators ,killers but also prepared by them, presented by them,ther way,the Russian criminal way and propaganda way !
Why ? That’s why !
Braghis is the man of Moscow,he is financed by Moscow to form a internal media gang assassination of the spaking Romanian people in Basarabia !
I don’t think even GOD can stop those Russian evills,murders,communists and dictators and Jisus is not that great and strong not to allow them to do what they want and as they wish !
E interesant ceea ce se spune dar totusi!
Macar acest site nu trebuie sa fie expulzat de limba rusa,cred ca Adminul acestui site trebuie de indata sa stearga toate opiniile,anunturile,etc… ce sunt scrise in l.rusa
Salut tuturor!
citeva lamuriri:
1. a avea numele Braghis nu insemna sa imediat fiul cuiva dintr-un partid politic. Si nu, nu am nici o legatura cu Braghis de la PSD.
2. Anuntul este in Engleza si Rusa pentru ca 3 prezentatori nu cunosc Romana pentru ca nu sunt din Romania sau Moldova. Ideal ar fi sa se faca in Engleza, dar nimeni nu garanteaza ca toti participantii vor cunoaste Engleza, deci statistic s-a ales limba cu sansele mai mari de a fi perceputa.
3. Nu este vorba de nici un fel de propaganda, mai ales rusa. Trainingul este focusat pe new media si nici intr-un caz politica.
p.s. I’m sorry that one of the options is the language of the invaders, but this is one of the realities we live in. Unfortunately not everybody from abroad knows Romanian, nor locals know that much English – so there has to be some kind of compromise..
And if you think that Economist/Transitions On-Line background means Russian propaganda, then there’s little one can do for you.
Eu totusi propun sa va inscrieti si sa vedeti ce si cum. Iar dupa aia puteti sa comment cit doriti avind date concrete.
I would suggest you register, give it a try and then comment on what you’ve seen (thus, don’t make assumptions)
Buna seara. Dvs. ati ales gresit saitul pentru astfel de anunturi.))
Кстати, тут насчёт оплаты ничего не сказано. Я бы хотел подойти. 🙂
stergeti va rog aceea limba spurcata si urata rusa,iar daca nu translati engleza in romana,leave the English language only !
stergeti ca crap,morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !
stergeti ca im vad bunicul meu ucis si plin de sange si milioane ca el de aceea criminali de bolsevici,stalinisti,leninisti ce vorgesc aceea limba urata primitiva si spurcata,rusa !
stergeti ca daca nu ,o sai dau pe brothers Brega, si tot grupul Hyde Park drept la curtea europeana pentru tradarea BASARABIEI si,pentruca intretin un site rusesc,strain noua , Romanian People !
Grazie tantto !
offf ce puti tu mai ioane !
credo ca to esti un alcolist ce stai pe net si inprosti in oameni ce fac ceva in beneficiul acelei tari,si nu numai,vad ca rezista si la inpuziti ca tine ce ii critica in loc sa ajute !
fuck offfffffffffff !
Hahahaha))))))) Blea, shi prost!)) Vorbeste cu sine insusi!)))
Cu parere de rau va anunt ca din cauza unor circumstante neprevazute, trebuie sa aminam trainingul pina in primavara tirzie.
Pastram aplicatia dumneavostra pentru atunci.
Dan Braghis