Stimati colegi,
OWH TV Studio si Uniunea Cineastilor din Moldova are placerea sa anunte deschiderea preselectiei pentru cea de a 5-a editie a Festivalului International de Film Documentar “CRONOGRAF”, ce va avea loc la Chisinau, Republica Moldova in perioada 30 mai – 3 iunie, 2006.
Asteptam filmele dumneavoastra si formulare de inscriere pana la 31 martie 2006.
Mai jos gasiti Regulamentul pentru Sectiunea Film Documentar si Formularul de inscriere atasat.
Pentru mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne contactati direct la:
Telefon: 373 22 22 54 09; 373 22 23 27 71.
Fax: 373 22 22 54 09.
Adresa: OWH TV Studio, str.Veronica Micle 10, Chisinau, MD-2012, Republica Moldova
Persoane de contact: Leontina Vatamanu, Victoria Coroban
Cu respect,
Virgiliu Margineanu, Director OWH TV Studio
Eugen Sobor, Presedintele Uniunii Cineastilor din Molodova
P.S.:Va rugam sa distribuiti aceaste informatii persoanelor interesate.
Dear colleagues,
OWH TV Studio and The Union of Filmmakers from Moldova are pleased to announce the opening of the 5th edition of The International Documentary Film Festival “CRONOGRAF”, that will be held in Chishinau, Republic of Moldova, between 30 May – 3 June, 2006.
We will be very glad to receive your submissions till March 31, 2006
Please see hereby presented Regulations and the Entry form for Documentary film section attached.
For more information don’t hesitate to contact us primarily to:
OWH TV Studio, 10 Veronica Micle St., Chisinau, MD-2012, Republic of Moldova
Contact persons: Virgiliu Margineanu, Leontina Vatamanu
Tel/ Fax + 373 22 22 54 09; Tel:+ 373 22 23 27 71
Best regards,
Virgiliu Margineanu, OWH TV Studio, General Director
Eugen Sobor, The Union of Filmmakers from Moldova, President
P.S.:Please send this information to interested persons.