Training program for students and young journalists

The Forum of European Journalism Students–Macedonia (FEJS Macedonia) is organising the regional training course “HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTING” for journalism students/young journalists from 7 Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and Macedonia)
The training course is a part of the Balkan Human Rights News Service, in the frame of the FACE Human Rights Online Journal. The Balkan Human Rights News Service is a collective of student journalists from seven Balkan countries trained in human rights reporting, organised in “newsrooms-node” and publishing via the FACE Human Rights online journal by and for young people.
The training course will take place in Skopje, May 19-22, 2006 where 28 student journalists will be trained in human rights reporting. These ‘Human Rights Junior Fellows’, four from each country, and a professional journalist will constitute a national FACE Human Rights “node,” Each newsroom will be responsible for reporting on national human rights issues and for contributing to stories on regional issues.

More info and application form could be found >>


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