Curtea Europeana pentru Drepturile Omului (CEDO) constata ca legea moldoveneasca care interzice alegerea persoanelor cu cetatenie multipla in functii publice nu este justificata si proportionala
Chisinau (IPN) Curtea Europeana pentru Drepturile Omului (CEDO) constata ca legea moldoveneasca care interzice alegerea persoanelor cu cetatenie multipla in functii publice nu este justificata si proportionala. Legea 273 a fost contestata de catre Dorin Chirtoaca, primar de Chisinau si de catre juristul Alexandru Tanase, consilier municipal, care si au cetatenie romana. La 18 noiembrie CEDO a facut publica hotararea sa in cauza Tanase si Chirtoaca versus R. Moldova, a spus la o conferinta de presa la Agentia Info-Prim Neo, avocatul celor doi reclamanti, Janeta Hanganu.
„Este o reusita profesionala a Janetei. Este un caz deosebit. Nu este o violare obisnuita care se constata usor si care este necesar s-o probezi. Este vorba de o abordare mai mult filosofica a unor drepturi”, a spus Alexandru Tanase.
Ambii petitionari au reclamat in fata CEDO faptul ca adoptarea unei interdictii ce limiteaza accesul unui numar mare de cetateni ai Moldovei la functia de deputat constituie o masura anti-democratica si disproportionata, fiind adoptata in ajunul alegerilor parlamentare din 2009. Guvernul roman a sustinut pozitia petitionarilor printr-un memoriu depus la CEDO in calitate de tert.
Curtea a declarat inadmisibila partea inaintata de Dorin Chirtoaca, considerand ca acesta intentioneaza sa-si pastreze mandatul de primar, iar in alegerile din 2009 va participa doar pentru a acumula mai multe voturi partidului sau.
Conform cercetarilor CEDO, Moldova este unica tara din cadrul Consiliului Europei care, desi permite multipla cetatenie, interzice persoanelor ce o detin sa fie eligibile pentru functii publice, inclusiv pentru functia de deputat in Parlament. Acest lucru este surprinzator in special pentru ca in 2002 si 2003 Guvernul a permis multipla cetatenie, fara a mentiona despre eventuale restrictii aduse drepturilor politice.
In lumina evolutiei politice din Moldova, a factorilor istorici si specifici ai tarii, CEDO nu considera ca exista vreo justificare pentru Legea 273. Aceasta concluzie este consolidata de impunerea acestei restrictii cu mai putin de un an inainte de alegerile parlamentare. Curtea nu poate trece cu vederea incompatibilitatea acestei legi cu recomandarile Consiliului Europei in domeniul electoral si ca Guvernul nu a reactionat in nici un fel la semnalele de ingrijorare ale Consiliului Europei.
Potrivit celor doi avocati, Guvernul si-a bazat apararea pe argumentul ca functionarii publici cu multiple cetatenii nu ar fi suficient de loiali statului. Curtea insa ii recomanda Guvernului de la Chisinau sa faca uz de alte metode pentru a asigura loialitatea alesilor parlamentari, cum ar fi juramantul utilizat adesea in state europene. Curtea adauga in acest sens ca intr-o democratie, loialitatea fata de stat nu neaparat inseamna loialitatea fata de actuala guvernare a acestui stat sau fata de un anumit partid politic. „Curtea a tinut cont de argumentul nostru cand am spus ca legea aceasta va fi folosita in special in privinta persoanelor care detin cetatenie romana. In observatiile sale Guvernul s-a axat in special pe asa-numita „aspiratie a romanilor de a asimila poporul moldovenesc” si ulterior de a incorpora teritoriul Moldovei”, a declarat Janeta Hanganu.
Legea care interzice alegerea cetatenilor cu multipla cetatenie in functii publice a fost adoptata de parlament la 7 decembrie, 2007, iar reclamantii au contestat-o la CEDO la 27 decembrie, 2007. La 29 aprilie actul a fost promulgat de presedintele Vladimir Voronin, iar la 13 mai 2008 el a fost publicat in „Monitorul Oficial”.
- Sursa : Info-Prim Neo
Un răspuns la “Moldova a fost obligata de CEDO sa modifice Legea care impiedica persoanele cu dubla cetatenie sa ocupe functii de raspundere”
ECHR finds Moldova to be only country which, allowing the dual citizenship, interdicts holders to be elected to public positions
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) finds that the Moldovan Law interdicting to elect people with multiple citizenship to public functions is not justified and proportionate.
Chisinau (IPN) The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) finds that the Moldovan Law interdicting to elect people with multiple citizenship to public functions is not justified and proportionate. Law 273 was sued by Dorin Chirtoaca, mayor of Chisinau and by lawyer Alexandru Tanase, a municipal councilor, who also have Romanian citizenship. On November 18, CEDO made its decision public concerning the case Tanase and Chirtoaca versus Moldova, the barrister of the two plaintiffs, Janeta Hanganu, told a news conference in Info-Prim Neo news agency.
„It’s Janeta’s professional success. It’s a special case. Its not a simple violation, easily found and proved. It’s a matter more about a philosophical approach of certain rights,” Alexandru Tanase said.
Both petitioners claimed that adopting an interdiction restricting the access of a large number of Moldovan citizens to the position of parliamentarians is an anti-democratic and disproportiona te measure, as it was passed on the eve of the 2009 parliamentary elections. The Romanian Government backed the plaintiffs’ position by a lodging a memo to the ECHR as a third party.
The Court found inadmissible the part of Dorin Chirtoaca, considering he intends to keep its mandate of a mayor, and in the 2009 elections he will participate only to gather more votes for his party.
According to the ECHR’s findings, Moldova is the only country in the Council of Europe, which, although allowing the multiple citizenship, bans the holders to be eligible for public positions, including for the position of a parliamentarian. This is surprising especially because in 2002 and 2003, the Government allowed the dual citizenship, without mentioning eventual restrictions concerning the political rights.
In the wake of the political developments from Moldova, of its historical and specific factors, the ECHR considers there is no justification for Law 273. This conclusion is consolidated by imposing this restriction less than a year before the parliamentary elections. The court cannot neglect the incompatibility of this law with the recommendations of the Council of Europe in the electoral domain and that the Government did not react in any way to the worried signals of the Council of Europe.
According to those two lawyers, the Government made his defense on the argument that the public servants with multiple citizenship would not be loyal enough to the state. Yet the Court recommends the Chisinau Government to use other methods to insure the loyalty of the deputies, as the oath often used in European countries. The Court adds that in a democracy, the loyalty to the state does not necessarily means loyalty to the present governance of that state or to a certain political party. „The Court took into account our reason when we said this law will be used especially against the people with Romanian citizenship. In its observations, the Government focused on the so-called „Romanians’ aspiration to assimilate the Moldovan people” and later to incorporate Moldova’s territory,” Janeta Hanganu stated.
The Law forbidding the holders of dual citizenship to be elected to public functions was adopted by the Parliament on December 7, 2007, as the plaintiffs sued it at the ECHR on December 27, 2007. On April 29, the act was promulgated by president Vladimir Voronin, and on May 13, 2008 it was published in „Monitorul Oficial”.
Info-Prim Neo |
ЕСПЧ обязал Республику Молдова изменить закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности
Европейский суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) констатирует, что молдавский закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности, не обоснован и не пропорционален.
ЕСПЧ обязал Республику Молдова изменить закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности
Республика Молдова будет вынуждена изменить или аннулировать закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности. Европейский суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) констатирует, что молдавский закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности, не обоснован и не пропорционален.
18 ноября ЕСПЧ обнародовал решение по делу «Тэнасе и Киртоакэ против Республики Молдова», – передает агентство ДЕКА-пресс.
Адвокат двоих истцов Жанета Хангану сообщила, что ЕСПЧ признал недопустимой часть, выдвинутую Дорином Киртоакэ, посчитав, что он намерен сохранить мандат примара, а в парламентских выборах 2009 года будет участвовать только для того, чтобы помочь своей партии набрать больше голосов, но принял к рассмотрению аргументы Александра Тэнасе.
Согласно исследованиям ЕСПЧ, Республика Молдова – единственная страна в Совете Европы, которая, разрешая множественное гражданство, запрещает лицам, имеющим более одного паспорта, избираться на публичные должности, в том числе на пост депутата в парламенте.
Суд отметил несовместимость этого закона с рекомендациями Совета Европы в избирательной сфере, а также тот факт, что правительство никак не отреагировало на сигналы тревоги со стороны Совета Европы.
Решение ЕСПЧ может быть оспорено правительством Молдовы в течение трех месяцев.
Европейский суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) констатирует, что молдавский закон, запрещающий лицам, имеющим более одного гражданства, избираться на публичные должности, не обоснован и не пропорционален.
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