Hyde Park în presă

ŞTIRI despre actiunile Asociaţiei Hyde Park :

Miting Hyde Park în faţa sediilor Ambasadei şi a Consulatului României la Chişinău [09 iulie 2007]

On September 28 NGO Hyde Park organized the last protest in Republic of Moldova, in frame of which set out Government, President’s office, Parliament, Service for Information and Security and asked the urgent elaboration of the lustration law. For UNIMEDIA, Ghenadie Brega, president of Hyde Park declared, “We declare ourselves defeated by the State”.

Until June 2007 we confronted with lot of problems regarding the authorization of our protest actions against Chisinau Mayor’s Office. After elections, we organized already authorized protest actions. But at each protest the police arrest the organizers. We are in a situation that we can not tolerate.

“The society has no idea who rules our country. Lustration Law would prohibit the placement in high position of State of persons, which chase and persecute innocent persons. Through this will be improved the quality of governance, and political class will have more profits.

When Ghenadie Brega was asked what would do in the future, he answered, “I don’t know. Maybe we will ask for political asylum in China, Korea or another country.

We remind that media organizations capture periodically the attention of public opinion regarding the limits of expression liberty in Republic of Moldova, which is compromised by the tendency of governors to control and to use mass-media as a tool in fight with opposition.

Translated by: Mariana Birsan

16 July 2008 | The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), expresses concern about an attack against Ghenadie Brega, a cameraman for Eu TV in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.

According to information before SEEMO, on 9 July, Ghenadie Brega accompanied to the prosecutor’s office an individual implicated in an inquiry into alleged Internet-based calls to overthrow the government. Upon his arrival at the building, Brega was verbally and physically attacked by a person in civilian clothing. The attacker told Brega to leave, and repeatedly struck at his camera, even though Brega identified himself as a journalist and explained that he had the right to film in the public building.

Oliver Vujovic, SEEMO Secretary General, condemned the incident as undue interference with the journalist’s right to access information of public interest, and called for „an immediate investigation to identify the individual responsible for the attack„.


Protest in fata Guvernului R.M., 10 mai 08 – Greva Foamei pentru drepturi cetatenesti


Pro TV :

Alte stiri

(VIDEO) Un ziarist a fost agresat de politisti in plina strada

Jurnalist moldovean batut de politie pentru ca facea greva foamei

22 aprilie 2008 – miting in fata sediului Presedintiei Rep.Moldova

27 Martie 2008 – miting dedicat Zilei Unirii Basarabiei cu Romania

Majoritatea parlamentara refuza audieri in problema manifestantilor retinuti de politie de ziua Unirii

STIRI despre actiunile Hyde Park din ultimii ani :

Portalul www.azi.md

Comentarii pe Azi.md

BBC in limba romana

RGN Press

Evenimentul Zilei

  • Arestati dupa intalnirea cu Basescu | de Raisa Lozinschi – 2007-01-18 /Trei tineri, dintre care unul din Romania, sustin ca au fost arestati si anchetati, marti, dupa ce au asistat la intalnirea pe care presedintele Romaniei, Traian Basescu, a avut-o cu oamenii adunati in fata Consulatului Romaniei de la Chisinau.
  • Discriminarea moldovenilor, un conflict inventat | Carolina Rudinschi – 2007-02-26 /Presedintele organizatiei Hyde-Park, Ghenadie Brega, vorbeste despre interviul presedintelui Voronin, catalogandu-l drept o „aberatie lucrata in laborator”.
  • Judecata amanata | de Raisa Lozinschi – 2007-03-29 /Judecata basarabenilor arestati la Chisinau marti, cand s-au implinit 89 de ani de la unirea Basarabiei cu Romania, si programata pentru ieri, a fost amanata.
  • Moldova intre rosu si portocaliu | de Andrei Badin, Chisinau – 2005-03-05 /Aproape patru milioane de moldoveni sint asteptati duminica la urne pentru a alege un nou parlament, care mai apoi va desemna presedintele Republicii Moldova. Dupa aceea, legislativul va acorda votul de investitura premierului, care va forma guvernul.
  • „Zidul indiferentei”, spart in Copou | de Cezar Padurariu – 2006-11-10 /Tinerii basarabeni au protestat in mai multe orase, cerand solutii pentru revenirea Basarabiei la patria-mama.
  • Basarabenii isi cer drepturile | de Carolina Rudinschi – 2006-12-16 /Interviu cu presedintele Asociatiei Hyde Park. Ghenadie Brega este nascut intr-o comuna din Republica Moldova si, de mai bine de 9 ani, studiaza la Bucuresti. Basarabeni arestati de Ziua Unirii | de Raisa Lozinschi – 2007-03-28 /25 de persoane care marcau implinirea a 89 de ani de la unirea Basarabiei cu Romania au fost retinute, ieri, de Politie.
  • Cortina de Fier de pe Prut | de Andrei Udisteanu, Eugenia Mihalcea – 2007-03-14 /Goana dupa cetatenia romana s-ar putea transforma intr-o loterie a vizelor pentru basarabenii de origine romana.
  • Turul Moldovei – 2007-01-19 / Stiri pe scurt.
  • Ziua lui Eminescu, prilej de disputa cu basarabenii | de Andreea Archip – 2007-01-15 /Manifestarea organizata ieri in parcul Copou din Iasi pentru a marca 157 de ani de la nasterea poetului Mihai Eminescu s-a transformat intr-o polemica aprinsa despre nationalism.
  • Cenzura la posturile radio basarabene – 2007-02-12 / Asociatia civica Hyde Park, din Basarabia, si-a manifestat ingrijorarea, printr-un comunicat, fata de eliminarea unor emisiuni din grila postului privat municipal Radio Antena C.

Portalul lui Andrei Badin


Monitor Civic


Gazeta de Maramures

Realitatea TV




Romania libera

Gazeta Libera



REFERINtE la actiunile noastre pe paginile organizatiilor internationale:AMNESTY International Moldova

[RO] Moldova: Atac asupra libertatii de exprimare (11 septembrie 2006)

Noua persoane din Moldova risca sa fie judecate si condamnate pentru exercitarea pasnica a drepturilor sale la libertatea de exprimare si оntrunire, unul dintre activisti fiind somat оn instanta de judecata aceasta saptamоna. Daca ei vor fi condamnati la un termen de arest Amnesty International оi va considera drept prizonieri de constiinta si va chema pentru eliberarea lor imediata si neconditionata. Afla detalii>>>

  • [EN] Moldova: Freedom of expression under attack | Nine people in Moldova are at risk of being tried and sentenced for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and assembly with o­ne activist appearing in court this week. If they are sentenced to prison Amnesty International will consider them prisoners of conscience and will call for their immediate and unconditional release (…)
  • [FR] Moldavie. La liberté d’expression attaquée | En Moldavie, neuf personnes risquent de passer en jugement et d’être condamnées pour avoir exercé de façon pacifique leur droit à la liberté d’expression et de réunion ; un militant doit comparaitre cette semaine. S’ils sont condamnés à des peines de prison, Amnesty International les considérera comme des prisonniers d’opinion et lancera un appel en faveur de leur remise en liberté immédiate et sans condition.
  • [RU] Молдова: свобода слова под ударом | Девятерым людям в Молдове грозит судебное разбирательство и наказание за то, что те мирно воспользовались своим правом на свободу самовыражения и свободу собраний. Один из активистов предстанет перед судом на этой неделе. Если они будут приговорены к тюремному заключению, «Международная Амнистия» объявит их узниками совести и потребует их немедленного и безусловного освобождения (…)

Ambasada SUA in Rep.Moldova

[RO] Raportul cu privire la Drepturile Omului – 2006

Libertatea academica si evenimentele culturale: La 22 August Ministerul Culturii, a refuzat , pentru al treilea an consecutiv, sa monteze bustul scriitorului roman Liviu Rebreanu in centrul Chisinaului, motivand ca acesta nu a primit certificatul de autenticitate necesar. Uniunea Scriitorilor, Academia de ªtiinte si numeroase ONG-uri au protestat impotriva refuzului din partea ministerului. La 30 august noua membri ai ONG-ului Hyde Park au fost arestati si tinuti in detentie in timpul participarii la actiunea de protest impotriva refuzului din partea ministerului.

Libertatea de intrunire si de asociere pasnica: La 30 august politia a arestat noua membri ai ONG-ului Hyde Park, care lupta pentru libertatea de expresie, in timpul participarii la o actiune de protest autorizata, tinandu-i in detentie timp de 40 de ore (vezi anexa 1.d) si invinuindu-i de participare la actiuni de protest nesanctionate si de opunerea rezistentei la arest. Ulterior, membrii ONG-ului au fost absolviti de ambele acuzatii. Totusi, la 1 noiembrie Curtea Suprema a sustinut decizia autoritatilor municipale de a ignora autorizatia emisa de instanta de judecata.

[EN] Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – 2006

  • Academic Freedom and Cultural Events
    On August 22, the Ministry of Culture refused for the third consecutive year to install a bust in central Chisinau of Romanian writer Liviu Rebreanu, stating that it had not received an authentication certificate. The Union of Writers, the Academy of Science, and several NGOs protested the ministry’s refusal. On August 30, nine Hyde Park NGO members were arrested and detained during a protest against the ministry’s refusal.
  • Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
    On August 30, police arrested nine members of the NGO Hyde Park, which campaigns for freedom of expression, during a lawful protest and detained them for 40 hours (see section 1.d.). Authorities ignored a court-issued permit for the protest and charged them with participating in an unsanctioned meeting and resisting arrest. The NGO members were subsequently acquitted on both charges. However, on November 1, the Supreme Court upheld a decision by municipal authorities to disregard the court-issued permit.

[RU] Страновые отчеты о соблюдении прав человека – 2006

  • Свобода преподавания и культурная жизнь
    22 августа Министерство культуры уже третий год подряд отказалось установить бюст румынского писателя Ливиу Ребряну в центре Кишинева, заявив, что не получило удостоверяющий сертификат. Союз писателей, Академия наук и несколько НПО выразили протест в связи с отказом министерства. 30 августа девять работников НПО «Hyde Park» были арестованы во время данного протеста.
  • Свободу мирных собраний и объединений
    30 августа во время санкционированного протеста полиция арестовала девять членов НПО «Hyde Park», проводившего компанию за свободу самовыражения. Они провели в заключении 40 часов (см. раздел 1.d.). Власти проигнорировали разрешение суда на проведение протеста и обвинили задержанных в участии в несанкционированном митинге и в оказании сопротивления при аресте. В последствии, члены НПО были оправданы по обоим обвинениям. Однако 1 ноября Верховный Суд поддержал решение муниципальных властей об игнорировании выданного судом разрешения на проведение протеста.

[RO] Raportul cu privire la Drepturile Omului – 2003

Libertatea exprimarii si a presei: In luna iunie postul de radio Antena C, intretinut de Primaria mun. Chisinau, a scos de pe grila de emisie programul interactiv „Hyde Park”. Talk show-ul a fost invinuit de reprezentantii SIS de instigare la violenta si uzurpare a puterii. SIS-ul a interogat citiva participanti la program, iar Consiliul coordonator al audiovizualului (CCA) a amenintat ca va retrage licenta de emisie a postului daca nu vor fi luate masuri contra programului.

Centrul Independent de Jurnalism | Moldova

(…) incepand cu data adoptarii (februarie 00 ), Legea cu privire la contracararea activitatii extremiste a fost criticata intens de societatea civila, fiind considerata un instrument periculos pentru democratie. Desi nu s-au aplicat sanctiuni in baza ei pana la acest moment, ea a fost utilizata de mai multe ori in calitate de „sperietoare”. La inceputul anului 006, Asociatia „Hyde Park” din Chisinau, organizatie ce promoveaza libertatea de exprimare si dreptul la informare echidistanta, a fost acuzata de Ministerul Justitiei al R. Moldova de propagarea extremismului prin informatii publicate in buletinul „Curaj.net”. intr-o scrisoare adresata Asociatiei „Hyde Park”, Ministerul Justitiei, sub semnatura ministrului Victoria Iftodi, arata ca in nr. al buletinului „Curaj.net” (din 0 noiembrie 005) sunt plasate informatii „ce propaga inferioritatea cetatenilor dupa criteriul nationalitatii, fapt ce constituie o incalcare grava a prevederilor art. l al Legii cu privire la contracararea activitatii extremiste. Prin scrisoarea citata, Ministerul Justitiei face un avertisment Asociatiei „Hyde Park” si solicita inregistrarea publicatiei, „deoarece ziarul asociatiei este editat in scopul comercializarii”. Presedintele „Hyde Park”, Oleg Brega, a declarat ca avertizarea reprezinta o presiune asupra asociatiei si ca acuzele aduse de catre ministru sunt nefondate. Ministerul Justitiei nu a indicat care anume texte din buletin instiga la ura interetnica. Asociatia „Hyde Park” a difuzat o declaratie, in care a mentionat ca reprezentanti ai Ministerului Justitiei, Serviciului de Informatii si Securitate, Procuraturii si Politiei au avertizat verbal sau in scris membrii organizatiei pe marginea unor articole aparute in ziarul „Curaj”, ceea ce, in opinia organizatiei, reprezinta actiuni de intimidare si hartuire. (dupa Agentia Monitor Media, februarie 006, 5 februarie 006).

Since the date of its adoption (in February 2003), the Law on Counteracting Extremist Activity has been intensely criticized by civil society and regarded as dangerous for democracy. Although so far no charges have been brought based on this law, it has been used several times as a scare tactic. At the beginning of 2006, the Hyde Park Association of Chisinau, an organization promoting freedom of expression and the right to objective information, was accused by the Ministry of Justice of Moldova of propagating extremism through information published in the Curaj.net bulletin. A letter from the Minister of Justice, Victoria Iftodi, directed to the Hyde Park Association indicated that issue number three of the Curaj.net bulletin (November 3, 2005) included information that, “…implies the inferiority of citizens based on nationality.
This represents a severe infringement of the provisions of Article 1 of the Law on Counteracting Extremist Activity. With this letter, the Ministry of Justice warns the Hyde Park Association and requests the registration of the publication since the association’s paper is issued for commercial purposes.”
The President of Hyde Park, Oleg Brega, has declared that the warning represents pressure on the association and that the accusations brought by the minister are unfounded.
The Ministry of Justice did not indicate what specific text in the bulletin implies inferiority based on nationality. The association published a declaration that representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Information and Security Service, the Prosecutors Officer and the police have warned the members of the organization, both verbally and in writing, in regard to items published in the Curaj paper and that this constitutes intimidation and harassment. /based on Media Monitor
Agency, February 13, 2006, February 15, 2006/.

(…) Со дня принятия Закона о борьбе с экстремистской деятельностью он подвергался массированной критике гражданского общества, будучи признанным опасным для демократии. Несмотря на то, что до сих пор на его основании не было применено никаких санкций, этот закон несколько раз использовали в качестве пугала. В начале 2006 г. Кишиневская общественная организация «Hyde Park», борющаяся за свободу высказываний и доступа к объективной информации, была обвинена Министерством юстиции республики в пропаганде экстремизма за опубликование одной информации в бюллетене «Curaj.net». В письме, адресованном Ассоциации «Hyde Park» и подписанном лично министром Викторией Ифтоди, указано, что в №3 бюллетеня от 3 ноября 2005 г. помещены сведения, пропагандирующие неполноценность граждан по признаку национальной принадлежности, что является грубым нарушением ст. 1 Закона о борьбе с экстремистской деятельностью». Письмо содержит также строгое предупреждение Министерства юстиции в адрес «Hyde Park» и требование регистрации издания, «поскольку газета издается с целью продажи». В ответ председатель Ассоциации Олег Брега заявил, что данное предупреждение является давлением на возглавляемую им организацию и что обвинения в ее адрес необоснованны. Министерство не указало, какие именно тексты из этого бюллетеня призывают к межнациональной ненависти. После этого «Hyde Park» распространило заявление, в котором подчеркивается, что Министерство юстиции, Служба информации и безопасности, прокуратура и полиция предупредили письменно либо устно членов организации в связи с публикацией некоторых статей в газете «Curaj.net», квалифицируя эти действия властей как устрашение и преследование (по данным агентства «Monitor-Media» от 13 и 15 февраля 2006 г.).


On September 28 NGO Hyde Park organized the last protest in Republic of Moldova, in frame of which set out Government, President’s office, Parliament, Service for Information and Security and asked the urgent elaboration of the lustration law. For UNIMEDIA, Ghenadie Brega, president of Hyde Park declared, „We declare ourselves defeated by the State”.

Until June 2007 we confronted with lot of problems regarding the authorization of our protest actions against Chisinau Mayor’s Office. After elections, we organized already authorized protest actions. But at each protest the police arrest the organizers. We are in a situation that we can not tolerate.

„The society has no idea who rules our country. Lustration Law would prohibit the placement in high position of State of persons, which chase and persecute innocent persons. Through this will be improved the quality of governance, and political class will have more profits.

When Ghenadie Brega was asked what would do in the future, he answered, „I don’t know. Maybe we will ask for political asylum in China, Korea or another country.

We remind that media organizations capture periodically the attention of public opinion regarding the limits of expression liberty in Republic of Moldova, which is compromised by the tendency of governors to control and to use mass-media as a tool in fight with opposition. / Translated by: Mariana Birsan

Reporters sans frontieres | Moldavie – Rapport annuel 2004

[FR] Le 19 juin, la station de radio Antena C retire de ses programmes l’émission „Hyde Park”, qui donne quotidiennement la parole aux auditeurs sur des sujets de société, devant les menaces du Conseil de coordination audiovisuelle de révoquer sa licence. Certaines paroles d’auditeurs ont été qualifiées d’”appels à un renversement violent du régime en place” par les autorités.

PNUD Moldova

  • Politia a arestat lideri Asociatiei „Hyde Park” pentru o actiune de protest neautorizata

Liderul Asociatiei „Hyde Park”, Oleg Brega, si alti sapte membri ai organizatiei au fost retinuti, marti, de politie pentru incercarea de a desfasura o actiune de protest neautorizata >>>



  • [2003] World Press Freedom Review / By South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO)The municipal radio station Antena C had to suspend the popular night programme „Hyde Park,” after a request from the Co-ordinating Council on Audiovisual Media. The programme was accused of promoting xenophobia. The Prosecutor issued charges against Ion Bunduchi, director, and Oleg Brega, reporter for Antena C, on 17 April. They were questioned about the content and format of the „Hyde Park” show. It was not the only example of press intimidation during an election campaign.

ALL Moldova [toate stirile]

  1. Hyde Park association loses unequal battle to the state


Investigations. Surveys. Analyses

Alte articole:

12 răspunsuri la “Hyde Park în presă”

  1. Curand vom face si o prezentare a actiunilor/evenimentelor initiate de HP, asa cum lea-a reflectat presa romaneasca.

  2. Все мы помним эту историю. Год 2003. Ночной эфир радиопрограммы „Гайд-парк”. „Мы должны сделать так: вырыть яму, заполнить ее известью, поставить им трибуну. Поднять их повыше на столб, привязать ноги к столбу, сжечь ноги и руки, и тогда дорога им прямо в яму с известью. Иначе мы не избавимся от коммунистов”. Еще цитата: „…да, я поддерживаю то, что происходит в Москве… в „Норд-Осте”. Считаю, что и в Молдове должно произойти то же самое… Я была бы первой в этом ряду… Пошла бы на все…” http://comunist.md/index.php?idPaper=51&class=Articles&action=getDetail&id=606

  3. „Astăzi spargem zidul”

    Asociaţia 21 decembrie 1989, grupul de acţiune Noii Golani, Asociaţia Pro-Basarabia şi Bucovina şi Asociaţia Hyde Park au organizat astăzi, simultan la Bucureşti, Timişoara, Iaşi şi Chişinău o acţiune de protest. Ţelul manifestării este distrugerea zidului informaţional dintre românii de pe cele două maluri ale Prutului

    Jurnalist moldovean bătut de poliţie pentru că făcea greva foamei

    Puterea comunistă de la Chişinău pare angajată într-un periculos proces de lichidare a rămăşiţelor presei independente din Republica Moldova până la alegerile parlamentare din 2009


    The Hyde Park non-governmental organization of Moldova held a meeting of protest in front of the Moldovan Ministry of Defense building here today, demanding to put an end to the Russian military presence in the Republic of Moldova. The 2-hour-long action involved 5 activists of the organization uniting merely 15 members.
    Oleg Brega of the NGO said Hyde Park organized the protesting on the occasion of the National Army Day being celebrated today.
    „Our army is unable to free us from Russian occupational forces, so we are demanding its disbandment. We don’t need such Army”, Brega said.
    The protesters also demanded to bring home the Moldovan military from Iraq.
    The action was totally ignored by ministerial officials. None of them cared to come out to speak to the activists or to comment their enterprise.
    The Hyde Park regularly organizes such actions of protest on different occasions in various parts of the capital city – with practically one and the same result.
    Source and translation: INFOTAG


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